FIRED?! Pt.2-Liam

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"(Y/N) What's wrong?".

You glared at him then slammed down the newspaper that your boss showed you. Liam grabbed the paper and looked at the cover 'Liam's New Girlfriend?' was the headline.

"Your mad at me for being on the cover of a newspaper?" Liam asked sarcastically.

"No, Liam I'm angry because THAT is the reason I was fired this morning!" You shout.

"WHAT?! You got fired for being on the cover of a newspaper?" Liam asked.

"Yep.  Because I had my work hoodie on when I picked you up and my boss claimed 'it's a bad image for the company'" you finish glaring at him.

"Oh." is all he responds with.

You rolled your eyes and went into your bedroom, hoping he wouldn't follow. You pulled out your laptop to look for job openings.

"I'm sorry (Y/N). What are you going to do?"  Liam asked sitting next to you, pulling you into a hug.

"I don't know Li Li. I'm sorry for taking it out on you. I should've known I was gonna have to pick up one of you. I'm just stressing because rents due next week and the other bills that need to be paid. And now no one is going to hire me because of this." you finish letting tears fall down your face. Liam pulled away and wiped your tears away.

"Move in with me." Liam suggested nonchalantly.

"What?" You were shocked.

"Yeah, we've been friends for years. And I need someone there when I'm gone anyway." Liam shrugged.

You wanted to say yes but you liked Liam more than a friend. And you knew that if he brought a girl home you would be upset.

"Liam, I can't." you say looking at your hands and hoping he won't push the issue.

"Why (Y/N)?" He pushes.

"Because I- Nevermind just, just drop it." You say going back to job searching.

"I'm not gonna just drop it (Y/N) because if Niall asked you wouldn't think twice!" Liam yelled.

"You're right Liam, I Wouldn't. Because I'm not in love with Niall!" you shout back.

You quickly cover your mouth as you realize what you said. Only Niall knew about how you really felt about him. Liam just stared at you with wide eyes. You got up and grabbed your keys. You rushed passed the other guys and out the door.

You let out a breathe once you were in your car. You heard the passenger side door close. You looked up to see...


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