Before the concert-Niall

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Before the boys' concert you and Niall were sitting and chatting. You were leaning against Niall while you both would make comments every so often about something you've seen on your phone. Louis walked into the room and sat on the couch opposite of you.

"You comfortable?" Louis asked amusment laced in his voice.

"Huh?" you and Niall ask at the same time. You both burst into a fit of laughter.

"I asked if you were comfortable." Louis repeated once you both calmed down.

You nodded eagerly and he laughed
You turned you attention back to your phone.

There was a flash of light, you looked your head towards thw flash to see Louis smiling at his phone.

"This is so going on Instagram" Louis said glancing up at you.

Sure enough 15 minutes later you got 2 notifications.

Instagram:the picture (on top/on side) with the caption; "It's like talking to a brick wall"

Twitter:picture with the caption; "1 hour till the show and this is what they are doing!"

You laugh and retweet with "1 hour till the show and @/louist91 ia taking pictures of Niall and I!...unbelievable!"

Niall bursts into laughter, you look up at him and he replies "I like your retweet" you both laugh.

Louis peaks through the door and says "This isn't over (Y/L/N)." and leaves.

Niall suddenly burst into laughter


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