Imagine 2-Niall and Liam

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Your best friend is OBSESSED with One Direction. You tried to get into them but you just couldn't. You liked some of their music but you honestly couldn't tell them apart to save your life.

Your friend invited you to their concert. You decided to go because you would do anything to make her smile. Once the concert started you were both excited. The blonde one and the curly haired boy started talking looking in your direction and pointing at your section.

"(Y/B/F/N) look, I bet they're talking about you" you told her.

Her eyes lit up and she got really happy and excited. And she laughed "doubt it" was all she said. Just then the curly haired boy said "hey! The pretty girl in the black shirt. Holding up the 'we love you Niall' sign Niall thinks you're pretty" into the microphone. Then he smiled and waved for you to come up. Your froze, you didn't know what to do. A security gaurd maneuvered his way through the crowd of screaming girls. When he grabbed your arm you dragged your best friend with you. Of course she was freaking out 1. because Harry just called you out 2. Because Niall likes you and 3. Because Paul was touching you. When you get up to the stage Niall beacons for you to come up but you shake your head. Security wouldn't let you leave. When the show was over You and Niall exchanged numbers as well as your friend and Liam


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