Chapter 30

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"Mikuo...", Akaito said the name of the blue-green haired man in front of us.

"Finally, you showed up your little ass to me.", the man just said.

"BASTARD!!!!! How dare you to involve my brother!!!!"

He chuckled.

"Oh please~ Don't make me look like the bad guy here.", he said with a smirk.

"What do you mean?!"

"Your brother is pretty brave you know. He's actually your hero for pretending to be... YOU! And oh! You're cosplaying like him too with your looks.", he sarcastically said. "But... it didn't mean that the two of you were identical, you could deceive me.", he added.


Then, I saw Akaito clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

"We just sent him a letter to surrender you to us but we never thought that he will choose to put himself in danger instead of you! How dramatic, right? Your brother that you adore so much is very ready to risk his life for you and for that man too. But looks like Kaito-kun's effort was already wasted because... the two most important people of his life still got involved.", he said.


I gasped and reached Kaito's foot but...

"Please, if I were you, I won't do that~ You see, I have here the rope of his life. If I released this, you need to say "bye-bye" to him.", he said to me and showed us the rope. "Well he's pretty heavy and I'm getting tired of holding him for so long."

I released his foot and just clenched my fists.

"You really have no heart!!!", Akaito said with so much anger and removed his blue scarf.

The guy smirked widely.

"So cruel, Akai-kun~ Between us, you're the one who have no heart. I told you to keep in touch while still borrowing the money but you ran away from me!"



"I told you! I told you I will pay you back as soon as the operation was done!"



Then, the man sighed from so much frustration.

"Operation! Operation! What the hell!", he said in irritation. "Your brother is very fine without that operation you're saying!"

"You don't understand..."

Operation... for Kaito?...

Then, I just realized that Kaito's left eye was damaged...

"It can be cured if I'll go under some operations but... we can't so I just let this...", I just remembered.



"What's the thing that I don't understand?! That your brother complex is way too difficult to handle?!!!"


"If you already knew that, why did you still choose me?..."


I gasped upon guessing everything.

T-They have... a relation?...

"Then...", the Mikuo guy started saying. "...I'll choose death for him.", he continued and released the rope that's stopping Kaito's body from being strangled.


We got shocked.

Akaito ran so fast and grabbed the rope hurriedly while me, I held Kaito's legs immediately to help him not to be strangled.

The rope almost tightened up on Kaito's neck.

"I hate you!!!!!!!!! I really hate you!!!!!!!!! I F*CKING HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!", Akaito shouted from so much anger and began to cry from worrying.


"Kaito... hang in there... We will save you... We won't let you die... I won't let you die...", I said softly to still unconscious Kaito while enduring the heaviness but really I felt my heart will jump out of my chest.


"Then... hate me more.", Mikuo coldly said and brought out a gun.


Both of us were shocked.

He pointed to me the gun with cold stare.

It's too late...

Too late...

I can't just get away from my position or Kaito will be strangled...

This man... he really wanted to kill Kaito...

"Akaito, this man had caused you so much pain for taking your brother away from you, right?", he was pertaining to me.

"No... No please... No...", Akaito begged still holding the rope.

"And since he's holding Kaito, why don't the both of them died at the same time?", he still said. "If I'll shoot this guy, Kaito will be strangled. Happy ending for us, right?"

"Stop this... Please... I'll do whatever you want..."

"Too late now because I know... as long as your brother exists... you will never be able to move on... I actually kind of irritated for seeing you dressed up like your brother today coz I f*cking miss your red hair so much but who cares now."

Akaito gasped and pleaded, "Mikuo... please... Stop..."


"Akaito!!! Please hold tightly on to the rope! Don't mind me!", I said to Akaito.

He was shocked.

"Just save Kaito... Please save him...", I still said.

"G-Gakupo...", Akaito said.

"Just shut up...", Mikuo coldly said and started to pull the trigger.

I just closed my eyes and waited for the upcoming death.

At least... I died knowing about Kaito and... it's more than enough for me...

And just that...

I heard a loud shot of gun.


Please bear with me~ Thank you for always reading this story~

We're getting near to the revelation part of the other world~

20votes for more~ thank you~

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