Chapter 2

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Almost there!





"Ah!", I opened my eyes suddenly and breathe in some air.




"What's this place?", I just asked myself while looking around with shock.

It's... It's really dark...

W-where am I?

WHERE AM I???!!!!!

But when I tried to get up, I hitted my forehead to a metal.

"Huh? A metal??!!!", I asked and knocked the metal.



Am I in a box???

AM I IN A BOX???!!!!!

"Help!!! HELP ME!!!!!", I said as I panicked and slammed the metal. "HEEEEEELLLPPP!!!!!!", I exclaimed.

"Your Highness!", a voice called me.

I got shock and looked below me.

I immediately saw Rin who's looking at me outside the box and crawled out.

I thought it's totally closed.

And saw a rectangular-shaped with a soft thing (mattress) in it.

O___O Is it a bed?!

"Are you fine, Your Highness? Are you scared?", Rin asked me worriedly.

I hurriedly cough and answered, "I'm fine."

"Thank goodness.", she said who looked like relieved. "But Your Highness, do you think it's a bed???", she sat down. "It's so bouncy!!!", she said while beginning on jumping at the bed. "Haha! It's too fun, Your Highness!", she said happily.

=___=" She's still a kid...

"But wait, what's this place? Where are we?", I asked her. "What happened?", I added.

"We still don't know, Your Highness! We just woke up lying here at the floor and Len is currently exploring the place.", she said still jumping at the bed. "But... we're very sorry for putting you there too to protect you, Your Highness.", she said.

Pissed. What do you think of me???!!! =_____=+

And what happened to that man???!!! I think deeply.

But then... the only matter for now is that...

Where are we???... This is a very strange room... Full of unfamiliar and weird things.

But when I looked to the ceiling, there's a strange light coming from an unknown thing (flourescent lamp).

"Your Highness!!! Don't!!!!", Rin just said and jumped immediately to cover up my eyes. "It's dangerous to look at the sunlight directly!!! Your eyes will be destroyed!!!", she said worriedly.

"Thank you, Rin! You save me!", I thanked her so much. I'm not wrong for choosing her as my personal servant.

She kneel down and bowed her head. "It's an honor to protect my Highness.", she said.

I smiled as I saw her full loyalty to me. I'm so proud of her!

But afterward, she just continued on jumping at the bed with a strange thing. "Waahh! So soft!!!", she said and rubbed her face to it.

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