Chapter 32

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"Y-Your Highness...", a servant said in shock and hurriedly bowed his head.

"Where's the room of Akaito's knight? Show it to me.", all I said and stepped into the gate.

"Y-yes!", he hurriedly answered.

"What's the commotion there?", a voice suddenly asked and went out from the house.

"Lord! His Highness is here!!!!", the servant said and immediately went to his master.

The Lord got shocked and bowed his head. He's... their father... Naoto Shion... 

"Your Highness, what brought you here?", he asked.

"I'm here to know everything.", all I said and I saw him got shocked.

"Know about?", he asked and looked to me with worries.


"About your other son."

And from that he got even more shocked and became speechless.

I just continued on walking. "Show the way.", I just said.

"Y-yes!", the servant said.

There were too many things that I needed to know and to understand but... I couldn't stop myself to be angry...

The things that I already knew... were all lies???...

"H-here, Your Highness!", the servant said pointing the room while bowing his head again.




He brought us at the back of the mansion and saw... an old and very small room...


I can't speak...

I don't know what to say...

My heart was aching...

Who could live in this old and small room?


"We will accompany you, Your Highness.", Len suddenly said.

"...No... I will go alone.", all I said with a weak tone.

"As you wish, Your Highness.", he said and bowed his head.

Then, I looked to them.

"No one's going to interrupt me or else... I will punish him of death.", I ordered.

"Understood, Your Highness.", Rin, Len and the rest of the soldiers answered and bowed their heads.


I started walking to the room but my feet felt heavy and it's hard to take a step...


"What's wrong with me?...", all I thought.

Am I afraid???...


Am I afraid to know the truth?...

Then, I stopped again and closed my eyes.

"Almighty... if You want to show all of the things that I must know... please give me a strong heart to face the truth...", I prayed silently and after that, I continued on walking.




Then, after stepping into the room...

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