Chapter 8

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Another day again... I sighed deeply.

"Where are we going next?", I asked Kaito.

"At the hotel.", he answered.

Hotel? What's that?

The sad part here was Len and Rin were not able to come with us due to their car sickness according to Kaito so they just have to watch the house.

And then, we went inside a very tall tower. Wow~ This was just my first time of seeing a structure like this.

"Hurry up! We need to get the things that we need to deliver.", he said with irritation.

"I know.", I just said.

We went inside a very small room and it went up(elevator). (They went to the 2nd floor.)


"Gakupo.", Kaito called me up.

"Yes?", I asked him.

"Just wait here okay? I'll find the room first.", he said.


"Wait here.", he repeated.

"I know."

"I mean don't go anywhere. Just stay here, okay?", he said.


Do I look like so stupid???? +>____>)

"I understand.", I answered.

Then, he walked away.

Tsk! I'm still adjusting in this world but still I'm doing my best! Do I really look like so stupid to him???!!!




After 30 minutes...

AAARRGGHHH!!! What took him so long???!!!!!! >A<)/ Where are you now, Kaito???!!!! HURRY UP!!!!

I can't bear this boredom... Where's that guy???.... I just leaned to the wall and waited patiently.

Then, I just went to the glass wall and looked outside the structure (building).

I stared to it more...




So many things were different from my world... Why did I come here from the first place? Why?...

Then, I just remembered the blue-haired bodyguard of Akaito...

I almost caught him with my hand...


Why I can't seem to catch that man???...

Who really killed Akaito???

Did he really take his own life???

What really happened that time???...


Then, a memory of seeing Akaito hanged from the tree gave me a big pain again....

It pained me so much...

Akaito... Where are you???... Please tell me...




But in my silence...

"I know! I'm coming now!", a man just shouted in piss.


I was shocked.

That voice!!!! THAT VOICE I KNOW THAT!!!!!

Then, I immediately looked at the back.

At the end of the hallway, a red-haired man wearing black clothes and a hat (bonnet actually) went inside the small room (elevator) we just went in a while ago.






He looked to me with a usual expression and pressed something.





Then, the door of the room started to close.

"AKAITO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", I shouted and ran toward him.

But upon reaching... the door closed.

"AKAITO!!!!!! AKAITO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", I shouted and knocked the door many times. "OPEN THIS DOOR!!!!! AKAITO!!!!!!!!!", I shouted in panic and tried to open the door but can't.

I can't breathe properly.

Akaito! Akaito!!!!

Then, I looked for the stairs and went down.

Running without thinking....




Akaito... Wait... Wait for me...

Then, I just saw him going outside.

"AKAITO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", I shouted again.

People were startled but I don't mind about them!

I chased him again but when I got out, he was in a transportation (taxi).

I gasped.

"AKAITO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AKAITO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AKAITO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", I horribly shouted but he did not look back. I followed him and ran as fast as I could but... I lost him.



I... I almost caught you...


Then, drops of water fell from eyes.

He's alive... he's alive in this world... Thank goodness...


I walked back to the hotel.

"Gakupo! Where did you go?!", Kaito asked in irritation.


"Hey! Gakupo! I'm asking you! I'm the one who put all the things in the car!!!!", he said with piss.

"I saw him..."

"Huh? Who?", he asked.

"I saw... Akaito... I saw him.", I answered and looked back to him.

Kaito was shocked.

"But... I lost him... He got away...", I said in sad tone and I really felt like crying again.

Kaito suddenly leaned my head to his shoulder.

"Baka, don't just cry in public.", he just said.

I was shocked.

"Tell me everything when we got home."

Found You (Gakupo x Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now