A Funny Interview

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Heya guys =)

A little bit with da author notes shall we? Do u guyz mizz me? Yeza, Imma tryna being Britah? No, I know I won'ta, juzt tryna bein funneh. Kay, hava fun witha dis chappe please? That was fun writin ita, yay!!!

Folla meh on twitter?





and kik me if u want peopal to talk to?





I guess everyone knows that if we want to go to a school, we would all have to do some sort of interview right?

Well, so here I am, waiting at a secondary school for my interview

I waited for a while, and a lady, who I took as an assistant, called me into a room, which turns out to be the principal’s, I looked back to the waiting room as my parents gave me an assuring smile, I knocked the door and walked in.

“Good morning”

“Morning” He said with a cheery voice

“How are you?” He started first

“Fine thank you” I replied

“Let’s go on with the interview shall we?”


“So you are Emily Smith?

“Yes I am”

“What school did you attend before this?”

“I studied in Victoria Shanghai Academy, VSA for short for my primary years”

“Wow, that’s cool, what school did you apply other than this one?”

“Well, I had an interview with St. Paul Convent (A really famous in HK)”

“So what do you think about St. Paul Convent?”

“It is a traditional school, and an all girls school, it would be really different from the school I had been studying, and it would be a hard time fitting in that kind of environment, but here since most of the rules and style is close to my old primary school, it would be easier for me.”

“That is true, what would you think about an all girls school and a boy-girl school?”

“Maybe more lesbians would end up in an all girls school? I don’t know, it’s just a prediction from me? You see, they are all girls, not much of those girls would dare to date a boy seeing it is too obvious when you are in your uniforms, especially different ones, dating a girl with the same uniform is kinda easier? You see what I mean? I think I don’t even make sense.”

“No, you do make sense, oh since we are on the topic of dating, what would you do if a boy asks you on a date?”

That caught me off guard, I would never think that a question like this would come up, what would I reply?

“Umm… Well, I guess, um… I always put studying in my first priority? Um…If that boy asks me to go to the library, I guess um… I might go? But only if he is asking me to the library, or something like that, well yea I guess so… um… well…. ar…. I think that’s it”

Well, I think I did it good did I?

“Well, nice answer”

Yay! I swear I’m screaming in the inside, I made it lol…

“I guess, maybe we could invite your parents in? I would love to talk to them”


Well, finally, my parents are in, I breathed out a breath I didn’t know that I was holding

“Hello Mr. and Mrs. Smith, nice to see you here”

“Hey mum, hey dad”

“How did it go?”

“Fine, I guess?”

They did a bit of talking, and I was sent home to wait

Well, that was eventful

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