Leaving Home

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Author Notes =)

Sorry I haven't been updating much, but at least you still get an update right? Seriously, I think that I'm actually talking to myself, could you please just leave a comment if you are reading this? I feel like I'm writing for nobody, then what's the point of posting it here? Why don't I just write and keep it to myself? Well, I really don't know, but please just leave a simple comment if you read this? Stay strong, I love you guys, even though if I'm just writing to myself =) Just a little spoiler alert, Emily is finally going back to the UK!!! I cried a little writing this, so just be prepared. Oh by the way did you watch the music video of story of my life? I cried. Well, it's Zayn in suspenders now =)

Follow me?







Talk to me?









“Mum! I’m back!”


Well, I guess my sister is still out then. I sat in my room, facing the 4 walls around me. This would be the last night I would be sleeping in this room. I sighed. My phone started to ring, it’s Joanna.

“Hey, Emily”

“Hi, Jo”

“Are you packing?”

“Pack what?”

“You’re leaving tomorrow right?”

“Oh shoot yes! Before I go to pack, may I ask why are you calling?”

“Nothing, I just called to say I’ll miss you, even though I’ll be here when you leave.”

“Oh, I’ll miss you too, you’re one of my greatest friends I’ve ever met”

“I love ya you know? You’re the sweetest friend if you would stop your cursing”

“lol, I know right, but once something’s in you, you just can’t stop”

“Try your best, people hate cursing over there”

“Yea I know, I’ve gotta stop, don’t want people to hate me” I chuckled

“Maybe it’ll be me who curse when you come back”

“I highly doubt it, you avoid those words like plague”

“Dunno, we can’t predict things right”

“hmm… I guess you’re right”

“Anyways, I wanna know if you know the answer of the math question fat lam gave us”

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