Entering S1

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Author notes =)

Yes yes, a double update, just to make it up for not updating for the past week =) Imma so sowwy, I didn't want ta, just didn't want to lift my arse up and write, I luv reading ur fan fics more annaway =) I luva all ur fanna fics =) Just met one that made me cry, and one that made me laugh hystorically, and my mum was like, she needa to be putta in a mental hospitalla LOLXD 

Well, just the same words, don't cut, and I oppose bullying! Do not be a bully, nor a victim of a bully, stand up for your self (oh oh oh, so put your hands up, oh oh oh oh cuz it's a stand up LOL) kay.

Talk to me?

Skype me if u want, yea I think imma make one later =)

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Ok, sorry for taking so long, so here's the chapp, it's short I know, it's sort of a filler, just to join things up =) hava fun




So, as I said, after the interview, we were sent home to wait, and not so long later, I was accepted.

I repeat


I was so freaking happy, I freaked out, I ran across the room, and trust me, if I could do a cartwheel in the apartment, I would.

I guess I didn’t mentioned that I had moved houses right? I guess i didn’t, I had moved from the freaking small apartment and lived it bigger ones, but we found the one we’re living now cosy, so here we are, in a 500 feet flat.

We did loads of things before we were ready, I still had to attend a test, and to tell you the truth, it was freaking hard, I messed up things, so well, I was ready to leave the room, but I stayed, I knew better to leave.

Well apparently I had survived the test and left home for the next challenge, the real day of school on the 1st of September.

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