Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I got up Friday morning with glass of ice cold water thrown on me. 

"LISA!" I screamed, soaking wet, cold and very angry. 

She stood with an empty glass smiling at me sweetly, "I was just helping you wake up so you won't be late," she explained. 

"Well a simple shake would have done the job just fine," I muttered with a frown on my face.

"Where's the fun in that?" she chirped rhetorically.

I grunted. It was then that I noticed that she was dressed and ready for work already. "Why are you ready? What time is it?!" I asked, panicking slightly.

"Oh its 7:20 and I'm going to head out in fifteen minutes so I can get to work early today. Stupid little son of a gun thinks he can yell at me for being 3 minutes late to work. THREE MINUTES! Who the hell does he think he is. Just because he's hot and I'm his secretary doesn't mean I'm gonna let him boss me around. Okay, well I would love for him to boss me around when we are alone, doing certain activities, certain very hot activities. Maybe some role play and I can be the boss and he can-Wait! That's not the point, the point is that he thinks he's all high and mighty because I obviously have a crush on him, and I do, but he's so damn infuriating and I can stand t-" 

Her rambling was cut of when I slammed my door in her face, "Okay bye! Get out now. Because of you I have 7 less minutes to get ready!" 

"Hey! So not fair! Your kicking me out of my own house" Lisa screamed. I could just imagine her pouting face while she stomps her foot like a four year old. 

I ran to the bathroom after I grabbed my clothes. I shut the bathroom door just as I heard the front door slam shut. After a really quick shower, I dried up. Just as I was about to put my clothes on I realized that I grabbed a skirt. I quickly put it on when I realized that I don't have time to find something else. After getting dressed and ready. I rushed to the kitchen. Luckily Lisa packed me a lunch and there was a cream cheese bagel on the counter along with some coffee in the coffee maker. I scarfed down the bagel and grabbed the coffee lunch and my work bag and was ready to go in 20 minutes flat. That itself was a big deal for me. 

It was only when I got outside that I realized that it was raining. I didn't have an umbrella and was wearing flats but I had already locked the door, plus I didn't have the time so what did I do?

I broke into a run to get to my car. On the bright side, I made it with minimal damage to my clothes or hair, but I tripped on the way and now my shoes were soaking wet. I groaned as I smacked my head on the steering wheel. 

With a frown, I made my way to the school, mentally preparing myself for friday.

My oh so awesome day only got better -note the sarcasm- as it progressed. By the time school was about to let out, I had a marker stain on my beautiful shirt and two other suspicious looking marks on my arm, and a massive headache with all the fighting the kids were doing. Thankfully my shoes dried but the puddle on the floor wasn't helping with walking straight. 

I think its safe to say that I was a little more than just happy when the final bell rang. I imagined myself going home, soaking my self in a warm bubble bath to get rid of all the bad stuff that had been happening that day. 

But it seemed that luck was just not with me. Just as I stepped out walking to my car, I was intercepted by the one and only, very drunk, smelly and moronically grinning Jake Nash. 

I tried to side step him wishing to just be in my car so that I can drive around him and go home. Or maybe just drive over him and- No! Bad brain. In seconds he was in front of me again. I was a little surprised with how fast he moved even though he could hardly stand straight.

"Jessa, Baby!" he started, "I miss you." he stated looking at me like he expected me to say it back. When I didn't answer he continued, "You said you were only going for a couple of days. It's been a week baby." I knew for a fact that he didn't really miss me, he just needed something. "You should have at least told me how long you were going for and left more money then. I went through your room too. All there is in there is a bunch of junk and some old clothes. Come home baby. I miss you. Even the guys are asking about you and when your coming, so when are you coming?" Aha! He needed money.

I don't know if it was the shitty day that I was having or the fact that I could see Nate looking my way. Maybe it was some weird combination of them both, but whatever the heck it was, I am so thankful because that day, I broke up with Jake Nash and I told him right to his face that I wanted nothing to do with him and was never coming home, ever. 

I felt so relieved and free again. I felt so proud of myself for standing up to him like that. Suddenly I felt like jumping up and down like little pre-teen girls while I scream to the world about being single again. I mean bipolar much. One second I'm having the worst day and the next I want to run down the street with my shirt off doing a happy dance. Okay no, not with my shirt off. 

Sadly, my happiness was short-lived. While I was in my happy world, I didn't notice when Jake grabbed me roughly by the shoulders and slammed me into my car. Suddenly I didn't feel so proud anymore. I felt terrified. 

I wasn't one hundred percent sure what this man in front of me was capable of and that thought alone almost got me crouching on the floor trying to hide myself. Thankfully his hands kept me up, but my upper arms hurt where his hands were. I was sure I was going to have a bruise there.

"You think you can run away from me that easily?" Jake asked, his disgusting breath fanning my face, not helping me keep my lunch down. "I'm not letting you go that fast. I'll just make you love me." he continued right before one of his hands moved down to cup my breasts while the other held my wrists right there in the parking lot. 

I pushed him away only succeeding in moving him about 2 inch. Before I had gotten the chance to knee him in the balls he pressed himself against me once more. 

I started to see blurry due to the tears pricking at my eyes at the loss of control and the knowledge of what is happening. 

I closed my eyes just as he slipped his hand under my shirt and was about to attack my lips. 

And then he was gone.


I wanna kill Jake 


I CAN! *cue evil laugh*


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