Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 

Jessa's P.O.V. Again

How long I had been here was a mystery. I could have been minutes, it could have been hours, or it could have been days. 

After my phone was totalled, Jake dragged me into the old house. He brought me to this room. He told me Rosa was home, dropped of by one of his buddies in fact. Then he left, locking me in a room, but not before a got a punch to my face for being witty. My cheek throbbed. It felt like it had a pulse of it's own, and my shoulder ached.

The room I was locked it looked like a bedroom of sorts. The door to the hallway was on the wall directly across from me, and there were no windows. The wall I was leaning on had a door as well, I had learnt of a bathroom behind it. There was a chest against the wall to the right of that door, and there was a metal bed against the wall across the chest,

The room was about 10 feet by 10 feet. The bed had a thin mattress on it wrapped by a black sheet. The chest was layered with dust. There was just a dimly lit lamp on the chest that let me see the room. 

The room had no means of escape and my last hope was crushed when I saw the bathroom. The bathroom was horrible. There was no light in the bathroom and it reeked. Most importantly, the bathroom also didn't have a window. 

I had even tried breaking the door, and breaking through the walls, but soon learnt that the door was strong, and the wall were actually cemented.

After that, I had crawled into the far corner of the room, almost hidden behind the bed, sat down, and waited. 

I was alert as soon as I heard footsteps. Minutes later, key's rattled outside my door, and then the knob turned and the door opened. 

I was momentarily blinded by the light outside the door. No, it wasn't daylight. It seems the rest of the house had normal lighting, just not his room. 

I saw the outline of a man walk in. Slowly, as my eyes adjusted, I was able to make out his blond hair. I saw his head turn as he looked around the room until his eyes fell on me. 

Jake walked up to me, and grabbed by gently by my upper arm. Hauling me up, he moved towards the bed before pushing me down on it.

"Ah… My Jessalynn. We've been apart too long Jessa. I will not let you leave me like that again," He said.

I gasped as my eyes met his bloodshot ones. The man in front of me was not in his right mind. His pupils were dilated, and it was obvious he was drugged up.

Suddenly, his hand striked my already hurting cheek. Blood flowed into my mouth, and I quickly spit of the bed. 

"ANSWER ME!" Jake screamed scaring me even more. Once my face registered in his mind, he continued in a much softer tone, which scared me more than his yelling, "See what you made me do love? I don't want to hit you, but you get me so mad."

I didn't know how to properly respond. All my witty remarks were long forgotten so I just whispered, "I'm s-sorry."

"SPEAK UP!" He yelled again.

"I'm sorry!" I said louder and clearer this time.

He sent me a smile that made me shiver, "That's more like it. I love you baby. You love me right?"

When I didn't answer, he gripped my wrist, twisting it. A scream left my lips. "Right Jessa? Tell me you love me," Jake demanded, "SAY IT!"

I still didn't answer. I only love Nate, and I always will. I refused to give what only Nate had to any other man, even if it cost me my life. 

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