Chapter 7

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this has not been edited

sorry about that :$

umm ya, so enjoy :)


Chapter 7

Nate Frey. Nate Frey. Nate Frey is all I can think.

“H-Hi Nate,” I said, my voice shaking. I couldn’t believe that the man I promised myself I would meet again was standing right in front of me. I walked to the door with Nate and Rosa-Lynn following behind me. Nate only spoke after we had walked into the hallway and I shut the door behind me.

He smiled sadly, “Tate-”

I cut him off, “Jessa. My name is Jessalynn,” my voice cold. 

“Y-yeah, of course, sorry,” he said, shocked at the sudden change. “So, um, you got your dream job,” he continued.

I was shocked. How did he know my dream job? I mean, it’s not like I hadn’t told him before, but I didn’t know he would remember.

“Yeah,” I answered, “I see you got yourself a family.”

He looked a little shocked along with something else I couldn’t recognize, “well, actually I-” he was cut off.

“Hey babe,” Jake said. He walked up to me wrapping his arm around my waist. I could smell alcohol off of him. I just wish he wouldn't do anything stupid.

Jake smiled politely at Nate, while Nate just glared back. 

 “Hi, I'm Jaake, Jess' boyfriend of thrrree years,” he held his hand out to Nate.

Nate ignored him completely. Instead, he turned to me, “you've had a boyfriend for three years?”

 “Yeah I-” I was cut off by none other than Jake again.

 “Yep, besst girlfriend eveerr!” he slurred.

Nate gave him a disgusted look. This is what I was afraid of.

Nate turned to me, “A drunk, really Ta-Jessalynn!” he asked me.

I glared at him. If look could kill, he'd 100 feet underground by now, “A slut, really Nate,” I countered.

He brought his head down, looking to the ground. Surprisingly, he didn’t back-up his wife.

 “Go Jake. I’m coming,” I told him. Jake just nodded and walked towards the main entrance. Luckily we were the only people in the hallway.

 “I’m sorry, more than you know.”

“Yeah,” I said softly, “it’s a little late for that now. Maybe you should’ve let me know when you decided to leave me.”

He looked ashamed, “How! I can’t believe how blinded I was by that b- her.”

To say I was confused was an understatement, “What? You know you’re talking about your wife right?”

“Well I-”

He was, once again, interrupted “Hey JESSA! Hurry the F*ck up! The boys are over,” Jake screamed.

I shot Nate an apologetic look, and rushed out. I really wanted to know what Nate was going to tell me, but I didn’t want to end up creating any scene.

Plus, I don’t think there’s anything he can say to justify what he did, and why.

Looking towards Jake, I sighed. I hated the boys. They were a group of immature, perverted men. Honestly, I think the only reason I didn’t break up with Jake yet, is because I’m scared of what he might do. I mean, I know he’s cheating on me almost every day, and I know he knows that I know it. That’s probably why he’s willing to bring ‘um home while I’m at work. How do I know this? Well I always find a bra or thongs somewhere in my apartment. Sometimes, I think it's my fault. I mean, maybe if I gave him some, he wouldn't want any from anyone else. I will be honest, I considered it. I was so close to getting intimate with him, but then he lost his job and started acting like a class-A jerk so I didn't.

I get in my car and start driving until a thought occurred to me, “How did you get here?”

Jake didn’t bother looking at me, “Got a ride from this chick I met last night.”

See what I mean? He doesn’t even bother hiding it anymore.

 “Okay, how long are the guys going to stay? I’m just going to order pizza and go over to Lisa’s for the time.”

“Okay. Probably a week or maybe two weeks or maybe even more. Leave some money.”

I sighed. Yep, that’s my life.

We got home and immediately, all the guys charged at Jake. I quietly slipped away to my room and locked the door. I grabbed suitcases and pack almost all of my clothes and shoes along with valuables and other books and stuff that I didn’t want any of them spoiling, while calling Lisa to ask if I could stay.

I dragged two suitcases to the door and went back to grab the last one, along with my laptop bag. Luckily I ran out without a confrontation with anyone.

Lisa lived in a small house near the school. She tried many times to convince me to come and stay with her and leave Jake.

I got to admit, I’m honestly considering it.

I turn into her driveway and walk to her door, intending to get my luggage later. Seconds after ringing the bell, the door opened. I was blinded by a bundle of red rushing to me.


 “Hey Lisa!” I said amused.

She pulled me into the house and slammed the door behind me. I chuckled, “excited much?!”

 “Only for you,” she replied, a huge smile on her face, “I haven’t seen you in forever.”

We spend the next hour talking about stuff; serious stuff, stupid stuff, weird stuff, random stuff, girl stuff excetra excetra. 

 “NO WAY!” Lisa screamed, “You met him again!”

 “Yes, I did!” I repeated for the nth time, “His daughter is in my class; Rosa-Lynn.”

 “OH MY GOD, so you met him again!!! That’s so awesome.”

I sigh! This is useless. I get up and walk to the door.

“NO!!! Don’t leave! I promise I won’t talk about him again!”

I chuckled, “I’m not leaving. I need my stuff.”

She smiled sheepishly, “oh yeah.”

“Yeah, now come help me.”

 “But I’m a girl,” Lisa whined, “I have no muscle.”

I sighed.

 “WAIT! There’s this really cute guy who moved in next door. Let’s ask him.”

 “No! It’s fine, I can do it.” I told her without looking back.

"I'm not helping!" Lisa yelled after me.

As I opened my trunk, my cell fell down. I reached down to grab it. Putting it in my pocket, I reached out to grab my suitcase, but a hand beat me to it.

Clearly, it was a guy’s hand. He grabbed my luggage, easily lifting it up, and bringing it out.

“Don’t worry about it, I can do this. I swear Lisa’s just lazy.” I said turning to thank the man.

I froze in shock staring at the man. For god knows how long, I’m going to be living next to none other than Nate Frey.


hopefully i upload soon :)

I'll try though,



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