Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

It didn't come. There was no pain. 

My eyes snapped open when the door was slammed open, and a rush of people piled in. Nate was the first one through, and got a murderous look on his face as soon as he saw what was happening. Before Jake had a change to thrust in me, he was held to the ground receiving punch after punch by Nate. 

A female officer, and Lisa ran to my aid. The officer had a blanket and Lisa zipped up my sweater. 

I looked to see two officers holding Nate away from a battered Jake who was laying on the floor groaning. I don't know if it made me a bad person to say that seeing Jake like made me feel good. 

Nate turned and took me in. I could bring myself to meet his eyes. I had almost given myself -though not willingly- to another man. I froze in shock when I felt Nate's arms close around me. 

I melted in his arm, and cried my heart out. Violent sobs shook my body. I cried for what had almost happened, I cried because of the pain, but most of all I cried because I thought I would never see Nate again.

Nate held me tighter against him, and then we were moving. I pressed my face into his neck. The tears didn't stop. I don't know when I fell asleep, but I'm thankful that I did.

I heard beeping when I came around. I knew I was in the hospital before I opened my eyes. When I did open my eyes, I wasn't at all shocked. This room looked like another other hospital room, with the disinfectant on the wall, and the hospital bed and monitors. Only, instead of white walls, this room had pale pink walls.

I felt a weight on my stomach. I looked down to see a hand on my stomach, drawing little circle with the thumb. I followed the hand to see Nate. He sat with his eyes closed, his other hand holding one of mine to his lips. 

"N-Nate?" I asked, my voice rough. 

"JESSA! Your awake?" His confused face was so similar to Rosa's, I couldn't help the smile that covered my face. He quickly filled a glass of water and held it to my lips. I tried taking the glass from him, but he gave me a stern look.

Only when I had drank the entire glass, did he move it from my lips. 

Before any of us had the chance to say anything, the door opened. The doctor walked in. He looked very familiar, but I couldn't pin-point it. 

"Nate, Jessalynn," he address nodding, "hmm… we were supposed to give her another dose in an hours time, but it seems she really wanted to wake up," he was telling Nate while I was scrutinizing his face for any signs of who he is.

"Now that you are awake though. Don't make any sudden movements. You've hurt your back and it's not good for the baby. I-" the doctor was saying.

"-KYLE! I was going to tell her," Nate said.

"Well how did I know you didn't? What the hell were you waiting for? The delivery?" the doctor mocked.

"KYLE?!" I asked in shock. He looked so different now, I hardly recognized him. His shoulder-length hair was now cut really short and he actually got a lot taller. Unlike before, he now had a sexy beard. I was shocked, "You are a doctor? How many people have you killed so far?" I joked. 

Kyle let out a laugh, "I'm the best at my job Tate! In fact, that's why your boy toy here decided to make me fly in." Nate was looking down, his face turned red.

"FLY in?" I asked, then sat up. I cried out in pain and in seconds, both Nate and Kyle were there pushing me back down.

"Jessa!" Nate scolded, "He said to take it easy. Your not healed and it's not good for your pregnancy."

"P-Pregnancy?" I came out as a whisper.

"Well, looks like you were the one to tell her after all," Kyle whispered, all too loudly, to Nate. I heard a thump, and Kyle was holding the bad of his hand with his hand, glaring at Nate, "Abuse I tell you!"

Nate took my face between his hands, "Your pregnant angel. We are going to have a baby!"

The big smile on Nate's face was contagious. I felt myself smiling with him.


one chapter left

-grey :)

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