Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

We were back at home, and I had work tomorrow. So much had changed in the last two days. I didn't know where I stood with Nate now.

Okay, I lied. I know we are a couple. I just… don't know what 'a couple' is. I mean, the only relationship I had was an abusive one with an alcoholic. 

"Mumma!" I heard, interrupting my thoughts, "I spilt my apple juice," Rose told me.

I looked down at her shirt, and it was soaked. Luckily, I had asked every parent to bring an extra change of clothes for their kids. I went to Rosa's cubby, and pulled out the dress that was in there. 

Then I told the student volunteer to go help Rosa change. 

While Rosa was gone, the school principal walked in, "Ah darling! Look at the kid's, they all seem to be behaving wonderfully."

I smiled at her and nodded, "Yep, there are hardly ever any fights."

She chuckled, "I had just visited the other two kindergarden classes. I must say Mrs. Stewart has his class under control but my-oh-my, Mr. Raven's class is a handful. 

I was about to respond, but I was cut off by Rosa, "Mumma! I'm done!" She told me and handed me her dirty clothes which were already folded and in a plastic bag. I excused myself and quickly put the plastic bag by my purse so that I remember to take it home. 

When I got back to the principal, she looked like she was thinking…calculating.

"You okay?" I asked her after I told Rosa to go play. 

"Ms. Tate, I'm afraid I have to remove Rosa from your class. It would be of concern to other parents, if there was any partiality," She told me sadly. I nodded. I admit I had seen it coming. 

"If it's not to much to ask, is it possible for Rosa to be put in Mrs. Stewart's class? She's not a very loud person. She would feel more comfortable there." I requested.

She winked and gave my shoulder a pat after saying, "That can possibly be arranged. After all, Mr. Raven has here arms full."

I walked to Rosa, "Baby, your going to have to go with the principal. She's going to take you to another class." I told her crouching in front of the chair she was sitting on. 

"Why mumma?" she asked, completely and utterly confused.

The face she was making was adorable. I kissed her cheek before telling her that she was not allowed to me with mommy during school. 

She got up off her chair and went to kiss little Liam's cheek before walking to the principal with her bag. 

I grabbed her the stuff in her cubby, and handed it to the student volunteer, and they left with one last wave.

The rest of the day passed by slowly, and finally school was over. I was really going to miss Rosa. Once all the students were gone, I grabbed my stuff, along with Rosa's clothes, and walked out of my classroom shutting the door behind me.

"Hello beautiful," I heard, and let out a shriek.

"Oh! You caught me by surprise," I told Nate once I turned around. 

He was in a suit, the tie was loosened and the top three buttons of his shirt were undone. I tugged on his tie, pulling him to me so I could plant a kiss on his lips.

Once we broke apart he said, 'We should get out of here." Then he looked around and asked, "Where is Rosa-Lynn?" 

My eyes widened, "She must still be waiting for you!"

He looked confused, and a little panicked, "Where?"

I grabbed hold of his hand and tugged him with me walking towards Mrs. Stewart's class room. "Don't worry. She's still in her class." I told him, and then proceeded to explain why. 

I stopped outside her class, "I'll get her," I told Nate, "You go put this in the car and bring it around." Nate had dropped me to school today along with Rosa, so I wasn't worried about my car.

I opened the door to Mrs. Stewart's classroom, and seconds later, a little body collided with my legs. 

"Mumma!" Rosa yelled excitedly. 

Mrs. Stewart looked at me in shock. I just smiled at her, but otherwise ignored her and looked down at the cutie, "Daddy's waiting outside baby," I told her, taking hold of her hand, "lets go!"

With a wave from Mrs. Stewart, we were of towards the car. 

The entire ride home, Rosa was telling us about the new class, and how much she missed Liam. 

I laughed when Nate's jaw clenched as she mentioned Liam. That overprotective fool. 

The month passed by quickly, and halloween was just around the corner. Rosa was all excited for Halloween. She wanted to be a teacher. I had a good laugh about that, and after a few arguments, convinced her to pick something else. She picked Wonder Woman.

We had fallen into a routine. Nate would drop me and Rosa to school. I would take her to her class before coming to mine, then after school I would pick her up before going out where Nate would be waiting with the car. Then we would all have dinner at Lisa, and my place, or and Nate and Tucker's. Yes, Tucker lived her now, I recently found out that he was Lisa's new boss that she was always ranting about. After dinner, Tucker would stay with Lisa, and I would stay with Nate. Tucker and I had unofficially switched homes.

Yes, I lived with Nate, and yes, we had been intimate. I think it was high time I gave up my virginity anyway, and boy was it amazing. I can't believe I was missing out on that piece of pure bliss and pleasure.

The last of my kids left with their parent. I decided to clean up before getting my stuff, and then I walked to Mrs. Stewart's class to get Rosa. Mrs. Stewart was the only one there.

"Uh, where is Rosa?" I asked her confused.

"Oh, her dad came to get her." She told me. I just nodded before turning and walking out. That was odd. I didn't think I took that long.

I walked out and saw his car still waiting. I smiled and walked to it getting in. 

"How come you got Rosa today?" I asked turning around to ask Rosa about her day. 

"What?" Nate asked. I couldn't answer. Rosa wasn't there. I felt my body go into panic mode. "Where is Rose Jessa?" Nate asked me panicking as well.

"She told me her dad came to get her." I quickly got out of the car, and Nate followed as we walked back to Mrs. Stewart's classroom.

We found her in the hallway. 

"MRS. STEWART!" I screamed panicked, "This is Rosa's dad!"

Mrs. Stewart gasped, "Oh dear. He wasn't the one who took her."

I felt like rolling my eyes. No shit sherlock

Nate spoke before me, "What did he look like?" I could tell he decided to go with 'get the information' instead of 'yell the shit at her' option.

"He was almost as tall as you. He had blue eyes like Rosa, except, now that I think about it, they were a little darker. Oh, and he had blond short hair. Definitely not as long as yours."

Nate and I looked at each other. "Jake" we both said. My voice came out as a whisper, but Nate, his voice was murderous. 


Poor Rosa-Lynn. 

Stupid Jake

Hope you liked it, please vote >

-Grey :)

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