Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 (NATE'S P.O.V.)

I was ecstatic. Jessa was in our bedroom with Rosa, and all three of them were fine. God, I don't even want to think about what would happen if I entered a few minutes later. Jessa would have been completely broken. I think she still might have been, but the baby has got her mind off of it. But not me, those 6 hours are like a movie. They keep playing and replaying in my head. 

After Rosa arrived, one part of me wanted to cry out in happiness, because my baby was safe, but the other wanted to cry in despair because my love was at risk. 

Before the police arrived, we had a list of all the possible information we knew. We knew Jessa was at home around 2:00 and she had to get…wherever she was going… before three. That meant she was within an hours reach of us. We knew she was with Jake, and we knew he had more people in this with them, because he wasn't the one to drop Rosa off. 

We knew Jake wanted Jessa, and we knew he was mentally unstable to be able to go this far. We knew she had driven herself, and we were sure that she tried calling the police. That, however, was all the information we had. 

The officer had sent out a search party, looking for anything suspicious within a hour and a half's range. Just to be safe. Jessa had been missing for over 3 hours.

It took me a lot of time and effort to put Rosa to bed. She was so used to her mumma doing that now, that it seemed that I kept doing something wrong. 'Mumma does this' or 'mumma does that' Rosa kept telling me. Finally, after a lot of convincing, and a lot of empty promises that I was not as sure I could keep anymore, Rosa's eyes fluttered shut, and she slept. Rosa wanted her mumma, and I was losing hope too fast. Jessa was missing for just under 4 and a half hours.

 My parents, along with Jessa's dad were here trying their best to help. The police has tried calling Jessa's phone, but it went straight to voicemail. They tried tracing it, but the phone was dead, and there wasn't anything they can do. 

Then Lisa had her mom call Jake's phone, in hopes that he will pick up, and they will be able to track down the signal. Unfortunately, even though the phone was ringing, no one answered.

Over 5 hours passed, and there was no news of Jessa. All their attempts at tracking the phones had failed. Only Jessa had the numbers of the rest of Jake's friends, so those phone's were untraceable. 

We were all gathered around and went through what we knew again trying to get clues. 

"Okay, so we know she's with Jake, but he also has his friends. That means she could be in any of their properties, but we don't know all -or any- of his friends," Lisa started. 

"She is within an hours reach of us, without rush hour," my mom added.

"We know she tried calling the police. That was her plan," Jessa's dad said.

"And she drove. It must be a place she knows. She's awful with directions." I stated. 

"She drove?" Jessa's father questioned, "But her car was outside."

"Yeah, she didn't take her own car." Lisa answered, "God knows she hasn't driven that thing for over a month, and the keys were at home. I don't think she had time to get them."

"She took Tucker's keys." I clarified.

"Yeah, I left my audi's keys on the table in the foyer." Tucker told us all.

"Oh," Her dad said, "This doesn't help us find us though. How are we supposed to chip in to track her?"

"WAIT!" Tucker screamed, jumping up, "We can track the chip IN MY CAR!"

He ran to Jessa's dad and pulled him into a hug, "THANK YOU!"

Then he ran to get his phone while Lisa called the officer in charge of this case.

Within the next fifteen minutes, we were all in my car, headed to where Jessa was held captive. Jessa was missing for too long, almost six hours. 

When I barged into the room, and took in Jessa, beaten and battered, I saw red. I was out for blood, Jake's blood. I threw punch after punch, kick after kick to his pathetic body. 

I felt restrained, and struggled to get out of the hold, and hit him again. Then I saw Jessa, I saw the self-disgust in her eyes. I knew what she needed at the moment. She needed me. I wrapped her tight in my arms, yet carefully so I wouldn't damage anything, if she was hurt. She cried herself to sleep in my arms, and my heart broke a little more with every sob.

I made Kyle fly in to be her doctor. I couldn't bring myself to trust anyone else with her. 

He told me they were going to sedate her to let her heal, physically. She had bruised a few ribs, and broken a bone in her left hand. 

"She took some kicks to her back and stomach Nate. Thankfully though, there weren't many to her stomach," Kyle had told me, "We have to keep her sedated though, so she won't hurt herself more by moving too fast. 

"She's a fighter Nate. She is strong, and so is the baby. They are both going to be fine, but there might be complications in the pregnancy. She will need full rest when she does get up and start to-

"-Nate?" Kyle shook me.

"Baby?" I asked, "How long?"

Kyle smiled, "Only about three weeks. She probably didn't know herself." 

My eyes widened, "You said complications in the pregnancy?"

"Yeah buddy," Kyle said, "See, with the kick, there was a tear in the placenta. Some part of it ripped away from the uterus wall. Hey man! Don't worry," Kyle added probably noticing my panic, "She just needs to take it easy. It's okay. It's not particularly dangerous, if we follow precautions. They will be fine."

"I'm going to be a dad again," I whispered and a smile broke out onto my face. Kyle pulled me into a hug and then led me to the hospital room Jessa was in, "Hey man," I stopped Kyle right before he left, "Can you let me tell her? About the pregnancy I mean." Kyle just nodded smiling before walking out.

"Daddy, Are you ready," I heard Rosa call, breaking me out of my flashback. I needed to relax now. Both my babies, and my love are all safe.

"Yeah baby," I smiled at her, "Lets do this!"

Jessa's P.O.V.

I was laying up in bed and Nate had refused to let me come down every time I asked. Rosa left my side a long time ago, and I was now getting bored of 'resting' like Kyle told me to.

"Wait upstairs Jessa, I'll come get you." Nate shouted from downstairs.

"But I'm bored Nate, What have you two been doing for so long?" I asked back.

When I didn't get an answer, I walked downstairs despite Nate's orders. He was standing in the foyer, his back to me, fiddling with something, "What's going on here?"

"TATE!" Nate scolded me turning around, and hiding his hands. I frowned. How many times had I told him to call me Jessalynn.

"My name is Jessalynn Mari Tate!" I shouted back, stupid pregnancy hormones making me mad.

"I like Jessalynn Mari Frey better. You are going to take my name when you marry me in a few months right?" He asked.

"Nathaniel Joseph Frey! Is that a proposal?" I asked in shock.

"Nope, but this is." he answered before turning me around. Rosa stood there in a little white gown holding a sign that said 'Mumma, will you wear a white dress like this in two months and marry my daddy?'

I turned to Nate, and he was down on one knee, holding a ring, looking more nervous than I had ever seen him.



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