Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Jake was Jackie. Jackie was Jake. My rapist of an ex-boyfriend was my best friends half brother. 

Why does the universe hate me?!!?! 

 I stood there for god knows how long while Jake met with everyone in Lisa's family. 

Then he walked up to me with a smile on his face that sent chills up my spine. 

Before he could say anything, Lisa pops up, "Jackie, this is my best friend Jessa, and Jessa, this is my big brother Jackie," she said. 

Lisa looked up at Jake with such adoration in her eyes, I didn't have it in me to hurt her. 

I held out my hand to shake his. "Hi," was all that I could voice at the moment. 

Jake grasped my hand so hard, I literally bit my tongue to keep myself from flinching, "It very nice to meet you. We are going to have a talk later."

I let a breath I didn't even know I was holding when he let go of my hand. Giving Lisa a quick smile, I ran out of the room. I found myself in foyer. I looked behind me to see Jake's eyes still on me. 

To get away from his eye's I did exactly what tucker did 10 minutes earlier. I ran out the door. 

I hadn't gotten further than 5 steps before I crashed into something, or someone since I remember there wasn't a wall here before.

I looked up to see Nate staring down at me. He could tell there was something wrong. 

"Ta-Jessa?" he asked forcing a smile, "Why does your face resemble my great-aunt Dory's when Uncle Jack ate the last piece of blueberry pie?" 

I couldn't find my voice, let alone smile back. I was shaking from head to toe. Either that or there was an earthquake. All that was running through my head was his face, his words, that evil look in his eyes, that smirk. My legs felt like jelly. If it wasn't for Nate's hold on my arms, I would've crumbled down to the floor.

Nate noticed something wrong and led me to the steps. I sat down and dropped my head looking at my hands, the hands that asshole actually touched. 

Nate's brought his hand to my chin forcing me to look at him. Then he used his other hand to wipe tears I didn't even know existed from my cheek.

"What happened Angel? Please tell me." he said. I could hear the pain and desperation in his voice, "I'm going out of my mind here. Why are you crying? Did someone say something. Did someone hurt you?"

"I-inside," I started, "there w-was Lisa's b-brother. He-" 

"There you are!" I was interrupted. 

I felt Nate's body tense up when he looked behind me to the owner of the voice that oh-so-rudely interrupted me. 

"What are you doing here!" Nate snarled at him. 

"I came to find Jessa." he said coming closer to me. I whimpered as I stood up with shaking legs. I hate myself for acting so weak but I could help myself now that I know what this man is capable of.

In the blink of an eye, Nate stood protectively in front of me. He brought one arm back and wrapped it around me pulling me so that my body was pressed up against his back. 

"Oh look here. She hired a bodyguard did she? You better watch out Jessalynn Tate. He can't be with you every waking moment. I will get you, and when I do, I will finish what I started." Jake threatened.

"Listen here, and listen good Jake. You step within 2 meters of her and I will reassemble your face so that even your mother won't be able to recognize you." Nate warned, "I will tie myself to her if I have to, but I will not let you touch her again-"

"-Jake?!" We all turned out heads to the source once we heard the voice.

I gasped as I saw Lisa with a tear sneaking out of her eye as her voice cracked. She was gonna hate me now. I ruined her relationship with her brother. 

"Lisa I-" Jake started.

"No!" she cut him off, "Jessa, why didn't you tell me!" 

"I-I'm sorry," I spit out once I found my voice, "You missed your b-brother so much, I just couldn't ruin that for you."

"Yeah! I missed the little boy who would protect me. Not this monster who hurt people," she argued, "and you!" she said pointing to Jake," You had the nerve to hide this from me and TALK to her." 

"Lisa, I'm your brother. Just listen to me-"

"NO!" Lisa screamed, "You are no brother of mine. You hurt my best friend! My brother is not an alcohol addicted rapist!"

"A WHAT!" Aunt Mary screamed. 

That was more than I could take for one day. I ruin Lisa's relationship with her brother, and now Aunt Mary's with her son. I was a horrible person. I couldn't take the disappointment I felt. Everything around me got blurry and then black. The last thing I felt was Nate wrap his arms around me. How do I know it was Nate? Well, love does that to you.

I woke to a very unfamiliar room. Thank god it wasn't white. The room was painted a dark blue with white furniture. I sat up. There was a grey, soft-looking rug on the white floor that matched the grey bedsheets.

Thoughts about the day before popped into my head, decorations, dancing, Aunt Mary's party! I was at the party. Where was I now? This was definitely not Lisa's room. I felt a weight on my hand. Looking down, I saw my hand in someone else's. I followed the hand to the owner and saw the back of a head resting on the bed. 

Suddenly Jake's face materialized in front of my eyes, 'We are going to have a talk!' his voice rang. 

Tears streamed down my face as I remember Lisa's voice cracking, the tears and Aunt Mary's face when they learnt about Jake. 

They hate me! I'm a horrible person. Jake will get me! They hate me! My best friend hates me! My family hates me! Jake is gonna kill me! 

I was shaking. Tears continued running down my face. I felt arms wrap around me. I screamed, thrashing in Jake's hold. 

"Shh," I heard as the arms got tighter.


:) nothing to say!!!!


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