Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 (P.O.V change in the middle)

The police had been notified and Mrs. Stewart, Nate and I had been questioned. Now they were searching for Jake. 

Nate had basically locked himself in Rosa's room, and I hadn't gone in there yet.

I couldn't bring myself to face Nate. I felt like I was the one to blame. If I had just stayed away from Nate in the first place, Rosa would have been safe. Tears flowed like a river from my eyes for the last 4 hours straight. The guilt and the pain were eating me up, and I was letting it happen. There was nothing I could do. 

I promised Rosa to be her mother, but a mother is supposed to protect their child. I couldn't protect my baby. If only I had left the cleaning for tomorrow. If only I went and got her on time.

Lisa had contacted the school principal, letting her know what happened, and also getting me some days off work. 

No one slept that night. No one ate. No one talked. It was like we all died. We were all at Nate's place. The police thought it would be a good idea to stay together. That way, if anyone got information, it would be more convenient and faster.

It was two o'clock in the morning, and my tears had finally stopped only an hour ago. I sat on the window ledge in Nate's study, looking out to the dark driveway illuminated by only the street light, waiting. 

That was all we could do. Wait!

I was broken from my frozen position when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I quickly whipped it out and pressed it to my hear. "Hello?" I asked silently praying the police had some information.

"Shut up and listen carefully, or the girl dies." I heard a familiar voice say. 

"Why-" I started to question, but was suddenly cut off.

"-Shh… Not a word." Jake said, "You want the girl, and I want you! I give you 40 minutes to get to me before I shoot her. You better be alone, or this girl will never see the light of today." 

My blood fell cold. It was 10 after two, and I needed to get there before 2:50.  Tears flowed out of my eyes again as I fought to stay silent when all I wanted to do, was cry and plead to let Rosa go. 

Jake gave me an address before hanging up, which would take me 40 minutes to get to even at this time, when there was no traffic.

I was not dumb enough to go without informing anyone, but I also couldn't risk Rosa's life.

I quickly grabbed a pen from the desk, and a paper to write on and wrote a letter to Nate. 

My Dear Nate,

I'm sorry. This is all my fault, and now I will set it right. I'm going to get your baby. Jake wants me, and he's going to trade Rosa for me. He threatened to kill her if I didn't come alone, so I can't tell you this myself. I need to get there before 2:50. 

I will call the police when I get there. I can't go with out the police. This is the only plan I have. I hope you get this before it is too late.

I swear to you though, I will get Rosa-Lynn to you if it's the last thing I do. 

I love you Nate. Always have, always will.

Forever only yours 


I slipped out of the study and left the letter on the table in the foyer. I grabbed Tucker's car keys, which were also on the table, before sneaking out of the house. Hopefully someone would see that before it's too late. 

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