Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

"DADDY!!!" We heard and quickly broke apart, "Why was you eating mummy!" Oh, Rosa was so innocent, bless her, the complete opposite of Nate. I smiled as she grabbed my hand and began to pull.

I was currently being hugged the crap out of by Aunty as she repeatedly apologized to me. Nate and I hadn't talked about our kiss yet, thanks to Rose who had literally dragged me out of the house. 

I was seconds from faking suffocation to get her to stop, but thanks to Rosa, I didn't have to. 

"Mumma," She said pulling at my shirt, "who is this?"

That was all that it took for Aunty to jump 5 feet away like I had physically shocked her. She looked at Rosa so intently before looking behind me and then running to hug me again. 

" OH A BABY!!! ROBERT!!!!!!" She screamed at Uncle Rob, "We are Grandparents!

"I'm not a BABY!" Rose said her voice rising toward the end, "I'm five year olds."

Aunty smiled at her, she opened her mouth and I could tell she was about to gush again, but then she froze and looked at me, "WAIT! Young lady, you were hiding this from us, and you!" She said looking behind me.

Rosa and I followed her stare. "Daddy!" Rose screamed before running into his arms.

"Well clearly your the father!" Aunty glared at Nate. Well this couldn't be good.

So, in the end, it took Uncle wrapping his arms around aunty who was strapped in a chair and Lisa sitting on her lap with her hand over aunty's mouth for aunty to stop and actually listen to what was going on. I mean, how am I supposed to hide a five year old child if I didn't have one?!

So, once all of that was done, Lisa, Rosa and I were on our way to downtown where we were going to get Rosa a nice haircut. 

I was originally just going to curl her hair, and she has really long beautiful hair, but then I thought we should get her a much needed hair cut. I wasn't planning on getting rid of her hair. I liked the length. I just thought it would be a good idea to get her some layers and shorten her bangs so they wouldn't keep falling into her eyes. After asking Nate, who told me I don't need his permission for stuff like this, we were on our way. 

Since Lisa, and I already got our hair coloured and cut, we just got it washed. Rosa was having the time of her life and I was willing to bet nobody had done anything like this with her before. Once her hair was washed cut and curled, we decide to get manicures too. Of course Rosa was just going to get her nails painted.

"What colour can I get mumma?" Rose asked me holding up a relaxing purple and a sea green. It seemed like she liked 'mumma' better than 'momma' or 'mommy'. 

Lisa looked over and laughed along with the lady who was doing my nails, "Your daughter is exactly like you," the lady told me smiling, "she picked the same colours you did."

I smiled at Rosa not bothering to correct the lady about Rose not being my daughter, "You can pick the green and match me, or you can pick purple like your dress."

Rosa stood there thinking for a while, then came running to me, "I wanna match you mumma, but can I gets purple flowers on mines like Aunt Lisa has white flowers?"

Lisa had painted her nails red and had white floral nail art. I chuckled at Lisa face, which resembled Aunty's gushing face, when Rosa called her aunt Lisa, "You can get whatever you want baby girl."

Rosa's face lit up and she started jumping up and down. The other lady's at the spa were smiling at either me, or her. 

Once we got home, or well Lisa's home, we walked to Tucker's place. Rose went running to her daddy once she saw him and Lisa attacked Tucker. 

"Look daddy!" Rosa was telling Nate, showing him her purse that we got matching her dress, "Mumma gots a bigger one like mine. Oh, and look at my nails. They matches with mumma too."

Nate set Rosa on her feet before coming to me, "Thanks, umm… you know… for what you did with Rosa-Lynn today. It means a lot to her… to me."

"You don't have to thank me," I smiled at him, "she's a beautiful little ball of energy."

"Uh… How much do I owe you?" Nate asked, but upon seeing the confusion on my face, clarified, "you know, for the hair cut and purse and stuff."

"Oh, nothing at all." I answered, surprised he would even ask me that, "Look Nate, if I didn't want to do this, I wouldn't be doing it, but Rosa-Lynn is a wonderful little girl and she deserves to have a mother figure. I don't mind if I'm the one to fill that. Your going to have to tell me though, why doesn't she have a mother. The curiosity is killing me. What happen to Kyra? I mean if I've got the timing right. You were with Kyra when Rose was… uh… created, and I know you enough to know you won't cheat."

Nate nodded before grabbing my hand and telling Tucker and Lisa to watch Rosa. Once they had agreed, he pulled me out the house and towards the backyard. Once we left the gate at the far end of the yard, there was a trail. It led into the forest. Nate squeezed my hand once more before pulling me, and we started walking down the trail. 

I was finally going to learn the truth. I couldn't tell if I was more excited, or nervous. I was excited for Nate to open up to me again, nervous because I didn't know what I was going to find, anxious because this could be a new start, but also the end. I was curious to know how Nate turned into the man he is today. I was scared, scared to know what happened in our past, to know what happen with Nate, scared for Nate. Most importantly, I was determined. I wasn't going to let go this time. I wasn't going down with out a fight. I finally had my Nate, and I wasn't going to let Kyra's 'truth' drive him away from me. Not again.

"I used to come here you know, to get away. Actually, you wouldn't know, you weren't there, and I don't blame you. After Rosa-Lynn was born, I was lost. Don't get me wrong. I love Rosa-Lynn, with all my heart, but I was a teenager after all. I wasn't 'father material', and I didn't have you. So I would run up here for a weekend alone, well not completely alone. I actually used to bring that red dog you won." Nate chuckled, "I used to walk these trails, think, reflect on my life and what could have been. If I hadn't been so dumb, if I realized what I had sooner, maybe I would have never let go. And I had realized, long before my wedding day. In the end though, nothing can change, and I'm not entirely convince that it should have happen differently, because then, I might not have Rosa-Lynn."

He kissed the back of my hand, and then let go to climb over a trunk.



whats the story???? 

any guesses???

Have fun thinking


-Grey :)

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