Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Nate's eyes suddenly got clouded, "Two days after Rosa was born, Kyra tried to k-kill her. The nurse walked in right as Kyra tried to suffocate her," Nate chocked up. I squeezed his hand trying to silently give his some strength. 

"My baby was strong. She was premature so the hospital had to keep her for two weeks, and I stayed with her the entire time. My baby gained weight and when she was healthy enough, I got to take her home. The summer wasn't over yet, and I came to your house, but you had already left. No one would tell me where," Nate told me, "and I had no other way of finding out. So I spent my time with Rosa-Lynn.

"I named her. You know, it took me 3 weeks to pick out her name. I just called her Rose. Her cheeks were always red, still are, and reminded me of a rose. You know the 'Lynn' came from your name, because her hair is almost exactly like yours, except wavy and not curly," Nate told me as unshed tears filled my eyes.

"My beautiful baby. She was the reason I lived on, and you. I would come here with that stuffed dog and talk to it for hours. I had hope that I would see you again. But Rosa, she was my life line. I lived for her. Rosa-Lynn Tasha Frey, my baby girl. I always wished you were there. If only you were her mother."

I felt like I couldn't breathe. Rosa-Lynn Tasha Frey. I had told Nate when we were kids, that I wanted my first child to have my mother's name. My mother, Natasha Henry Tate, and Nate named Rosa after her. That meant so much to me I couldn't even express it, but I didn't need to. I could see it in Nate's eyes that he understood. He pressed his lips to mine. 

I kissed him back, putting all my love and desperation into the kiss. 

"I guess it's my turn for story time," I told him once we broke apart and caught our breath. 

He smiled and nodded encouragingly.

"Okay, first of all, I was never dating Tucker," I told him, and before he could interrupt, I added, "just clarifying."

Nate chuckled but otherwise kept his mouth shut. 

I paused, thinking about where to begin, "You know, when you started 'dating' Kyra, I didn't have the courage to come by and talk to you. What was I supposed to say? She targeted me at school, with her friends. They were my own personal nightmare at school. I couldn't tell you, so I tried telling the rest of the guys. They pushed me away. They thought I was trying to get attention from them since I no longer had any from you. The only ones who listened to me were Tucker, and Kyle and soon, started pushing them away.

"Then junior year finished, and summer started. Throughout the entire summer, I looked forward to every freak friday, but you rarely showed up. Then once school started up again, I gave up. All I wanted then, was to get through my last year, and go far away, so no one could find me. When I got that chance, I took it. So a week before college started, I was ready to go, but I couldn't go without a last goodbye."

I paused, this is where the confusion started, "I wrote you a letter Nate! I didn't have the courage to come to you, so I wrote you a letter and put it in your mailbox. It asked you to come say goodbye if I meant anything at all to you. But you-"

"-I didn't get it," Nate told me, "I didn't get the letter angel."

A bitter laugh escaped my lips before I could stop it, "YOU RESPONDED!" I screamed at him, "You told me to get out of your life!"

"THAT WASN'T ME!" Nate screamed back. Now we were both sitting up. Nate was on his knees looking down at me while my knees were pulled up against my chest. Nate sighed, "After what I just told you, you don't think I'd come running to you if I'd gotten the letter?"

I just nodded. He took hold of my hand and kissed the palm before squeezing it, urging me to continue, "There's not much of a story. I left for college, and was treated almost exactly like high school. I only came back for the summer, and I found a wedding invite to your wedding. That was the last straw. Lisa -Brad's wife- helped me change. I became more… girly… more desirable. I showed up to your wedding, told you 'I still love you' and I didn't want to see pity, anger or disgust on your face, so I just turned around and ran away."

This time I kissed Nate's palm and held his hand in both of mine, "The very next day, I left for college again. I vowed never to see you again. I threw myself into school and getting my dream job, and later, work, and that's when I met Jake." I felt Nate's body tense and the mention of my ex-boyfriend. 

I ignored it, and continued, "He was very different then. He was nice, and determined, but when he dropped out of college, and gave up his part-time job, he completely changed. Then I was just too scared to leave him, too scared of what he would do.

"And then you showed up at school, my 'first day' of another year, and thank god you did," I smiled at him, and leaned up to kiss him. 

He met me halfway.

We laid there, watching the sky turn red before either of us said another word. 

"We should get going. Don't want to get lost in the dark," Nate told me, and we walked hand in hand back to Tucker's house. 

"I love you," Nate whispered, and then pressed a sweet kiss to my lips right before he opened the door and walked in, yelling for his daughter. I touched my lips, and a smile formed on my face. 

Just as I walked in, Lisa was sitting on the couch with Tucker. Rosa ran to me already in her Pj's, asking me if I can put her to bed. I smiled, and led her into Nate's room. I tucked her in and put pillows around her, just in case. After kissing her forehead and whispering 'I love you', I walked back out. Lisa was now kissing Tucker good bye, and Nate was sitting on the couch in the dimly light family room. He waved and smiled at me as I was heading towards the door. Just as we were about to leave, I asked Lisa to stop and walked back inside. 

I walked up behind the couch, and Nate stood up as he heard someone walk in. 

"I love you too," I whispered to Nate, and a big smile formed on his face, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pressed me again him, "always have, always will."

Then he brought his lips to mine for the 'nth time that day. This kiss was different. This kissed left me begging for more when Lisa pulled me away yelling, "Geez you love birds. Give it a rest. I need my sleep! TO THE BEDROOM!"



This is the only chapter in the book with a cliffhanger 

hope you enjoyed.


-Grey :)

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