Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The first thing I saw when I entered the house was Lisa pacing back and forth in the hallway ranting while two pairs of eyes watched her. Which brings me to the other people in the room. Two police officers stood pressed against the wall listening to her rant with confused faces. One was tall, dark skinned, and very, very fit. The other was shorter, with lighter skin and less fit, but fit never the less.

I softly shut the door behind he and surprisingly no one in front of me noticed my arrival.

"…don't understand. My best friend slash housemate is missing. Maybe she got into an accident or drove into a ditch, or is abducted by aliens, or yes! She's been kidnapped by her boyfriend. How DARE she forget to tell me she was planning on getting KIDNAPPED! She's supposed to be home before me and she won't pick up her phone and she has a crazy stalker boyfriend who, by the way, kidnapped her! Why aren't you doing anything!" Lisa was screaming at them.

"Ma'am, We can only write a missing report after 24 hours. Only then are we allowed to search for her." 

"What if she's been raped or murdered or… or killed!"

"Ma'am, what if her cell battery died and she has to stay back at work for a little bit. There really isn't anything we can do so PLEASE stop calling 911 every three minutes," the tall officer frowned. 


"Well, what can we help YOU with then?" the other officer spoke irritated.

"Are you even LISTENING to me?! My best friend has been KIDNAPPED! She has a crazy stalker boyfriend-"

"Ex-boyfriend" I cut in trying to save the poor officers and a little tired of standing and watching.

"-Ok fine! EX-Boyfriend who most likely has tried, and succeeded, in kidnappi-" Lisa froze. 

Very slowly, kind of like in the movies, she turned around to look at me. She took me in from head to toe. Then slowly she inched forward and touched my face with her finger.

"YOUR HOME!" she screamed in my ear hugging me, "What the hell is wrong with you! Why won't you pick up? Wait, so you weren't kidnapped?" she continued looking confused.

I didn't even get a chance to answer, because just then, the doorbell rang.

Before I got the chance to actually open the door, it was pushed open, hitting me in the process. My day just keeps getting better, note the sarcasm!

Nate pushed open the door screaming my name in the process while little Rose followed behind him.

As soon as he sees me, he pulls me into a hug, "Oh, your okay- I mean everyone, everyones ok! I saw the cruisers on the driveway. Oh god, I don't know what went through my head." 

I broke away and peeked out the door, and voila. There were two cruisers on my driveway behind Lisa's car. I wonder why I never noticed them when I walked up and opened the door. I sigh before walking back in and shutting the door. Looks like its gonna be a while before I get that bubble bath.

Ten minutes later, the officers had left and I was sitting on a couch with Nate in the seat beside me and Rose sleeping on my lap while Lisa sat on the chair across. 

"So wait! YOU BROKE UP WITH HIM!" Lisa screamed with a grin on her face.

"Really Lisa! Out of all of the thing's I've told to -twice since I told the cops the same thing- you got that I'm single! What about the whole almost raped, and beaten up Jake part?" 

"Oh god! Nate must be really strong right?" she asked.

It was not even funny how confused I was. Nate was sitting right beside me and she was talking as if he wasn't even there.

"I um-"

"Don't worry!" she told me, "you don't have to answer that. You'd obviously say yes and you'd be biased anyway from all the things I heard about him from you."

I blushed as Nate looked at me amused. 

Lisa then turned to Nate, "Hi! Your the new neighbour right?" she asked, and then continued when he nodded, "It's really nice of you to be here as soon as you saw the cars. That's how all neighbours should be. What's your name by the way? And your daughters?"

Oh! They've never been introduced. Oh boy!

Nate chuckled, "Well I was a little scared. I'm Nate, by the way, Nate Frey, and this is Rosa-Lynn Frey."

I couldn't help but laugh when I saw Lisa's face after that little bit of information. I quickly shut up when Rose stirred in my arms and gripped her tighter against my body, moving myself so I was rocking her.

I looked up to see Lisa looking at me, smiling tenderly and I smiled back. 

The smile slipped off my face when I saw Nate's expression.



I like to be evil and stop it here :) 

Hope y'all liked it



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