Tall Tales Part Five

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They sat there looking upon us like a young boy would look at a ghost.

"Well go on." Bobby nodded.

Even though the truth was absolutely nuts, there was no believable way to explain what was happening in the town.

"You have to at least let me finish before you laugh," Bella said looking at Bobby and Elaina.

"Okay. Now shoot." Elaina said, adjusting her body in the recliner.

"So apparently a young male student was walking on or off campus late at night.  You know a sporty guy, with a lettermen jacket, stink of frat boy. He kept hearing noises, he looked around a lot, mocking about how scared he was. I guess that pissed whatever the hell this thing is off and a bright light was said to shine right down on his meat suit. Like you know UFO kind of shit. Well, he tried to get out of the light and with no luck he ran, tripped and got all sucked up by 'some kind of light,'"Bella explained, her face etched with disappointment.

Bobby and Elaina looked at us with disbelieving smirks and raised eyebrows.

Elaina busted into laughter and stood up. "Aliens?" She grabbed a beer from the fridge and took a quick swig.

"No such thing. Trust me, I'd know. I've been around long enough, and if there were I'd have stumbled along one by now." Bobby said with a straight face, though his beard twitched like he was trying not to grin.

"Who knows, it was just a story." I said putting on a lose flannel from inside the closet. I peaked out my head and smiled. "You know, like the ones you used to say never to believe when we were little? When Bella would always say there were aliens under our beds?"

At this, Bobby did smile.

"And what if it's real?" Sam looked at all of us as we sat there quietly trying to think about the same exact thing. But it seemed so impossible, saying that out of all the things we've seen and Bobby has seen this has never been a problem we have come across. It was almost as it was all a big trick to throw us off.

"There has never honestly been any evidence. We've all done this for a while. No offense but Bobby more then any of us."  Elaina said laughing as Bobby gave her his friendly-yet-cruel stink eye.

"That's what we all thought when the girls told us. So me and Bella decided to go talk to the guy and fill in Rocky and Dean when we got back." Sam said.


(Bella's POV)

Sam and I walked into the bar, the smell of liquor faint, surprisingly. But what wasn't a surprise was to see Curtis sitting in a booth with four shots and a wasted youth's face sitting on his shoulders.

As we walked over he downs his first shot with no problem. "My brother seems to love the purple nurples," he said. I laughed, taking a seat. I could see how stressed and scared he was. He looked used.

Curtis looked at us with a pained expression before staring back down at his shots. "You guys all want answers right? So you can publicly  call me a freak. Right?" He huffed, looking exhausted.

I looked at Sam and motioned to the seat in front of him. "No, we just want to listen. Give us a chance, Curtis." Taking a seat Sam pointed towards the bar and I nodded slowly moving to the edge of the booth.

As I started to walk away Curtis began to speak to Sam. "I don't want anything in the papers or online."

I ordered two shots and waited patiently. I wondered how it must be for someone who knows nothing about the supernatural to have an experience like this.

I grabbed the shots from the bar and walked to Sam, handing him one and keeping one for myself. "Don't think of us as anything right now besides friends." I said, downing my shot quickly.

Curtis twirled his shot glass with thin fingers and stared at the rough, wooden tabletop. "All my friends did was laugh."

I looked at Sam and frowned. How typical.

"I blacked out," Curtis took yet another shot and looked at Sam's. I guess he didn't chat much while I was gone.

"Go ahead man." Sam said sliding the shot in his direction. Curtis gripped it and swallowed it like it was water instead of a potential poison to subside pain.

"I didn't know where I was when I woke up," Curtis coughed, gripping the table. "All I heard was chattering. Then they began to do tests on me." A tear rolled down his cheek and I placed my hand on his arm.

"It's okay." I said soothingly, giving him a faint smile.

"No, it's not!" he snapped, jerking away from me. "None of this is."

I jumped, a little taken aback by his raised tone.

"I'm sorry," he said in a whisper. "They probed me, over and over again. They wouldn't stop."

Sam began to speak his name but he cut him off fast not giving him the chance to talk.

"That's not all. It got worse. They freaking made me slow dance." He said biting his lip trying to hold a sob.

"With them?!" I tried to hold back laughter of shame.

(Present Rocky's POV)

Elaina threw her beer away and began to laugh loudly. "Are you guys kidding?"

"God, I wish, that story gave me night terrors." I said, sitting down.

"Okay, so he's crazy. Case closed." Bobby said, clapping his hands.

"Well, no, not exactly," Bella smiled shyly.

Sam sat up straight and pulled out his phone showing Bobby and Elaina a picture.

"There was a UFO shaped burn in the ground." Sam added.

"You gotta be shitting me. Someone hit me." I laughed and threw a beer can at him.

"We kept digging. Sam and I, well after he got all gay with Curtis's house mate." Dean laughed.

"No I didn't!" Sam almost let out a screech.

"Oh really?" Dean smirked. "You brave little soldier."

"Dean." Same warned.

"He's okay Sam you acknowledged his pain." Dean laughed drinking his beer. "He loved the tight embrace of your strong manly arms."

"Okay, I don't believe that." Bobby groaned, look exasperated by us all.

"Yea, Sam has boy arms." Bella laughed.

"I never said or did that!" Sam yelled, his whole face turning red.

"Of course not." Everyone but Sam said in sync.  

I'm so so so sorry guys that this wasn't the end to be fair I wanted this story long but I didn't see it panning out to where the cases were more then five parts. Hope it's still good honestly. I know this took forever to be updated don't hate me.


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