New Lives

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Rocky's P.O.V

It's been about 2 days since we went and got that evidence from that man. Bella has been working on a plan with Sam as Dean and I worked on loading and fixing guns.

Bella had thought a lot about it and said that it was very clear that Nick Ford was the person behind the murders. Controlling supernatural things is not an easy in and out, you get cursed from it. Forever scared, forever haunted, you think that it is over that's when it begins to slowly kill you.

Nick Ford wasn't anything we could kill, he was human and we don't kill humans. He would have to be locked up for everything that he has been doing and all that we could send him to jail for would be, grave robbing, murder (if we got the evidence to prove so), vandalism (if we can prove that).

Yesterday Bella and I sent Sam and Dean to set up cameras outside of the old Jackson's house, so that we could see if any teenagers came around. Dean and I have been watching the cameras as we fixed, cleaned, and reloaded weapons.

We were all prepared to leave quickly to go and save someone's life and to go kill a ghost all we needed were the dumb noisy teenagers.

"Well this doesn't make me want to sleep at all, because watching nothing is so exciting." Dean said in sarcasm.

"Dean this is all we can do right now." Bella said quickly in annoyance.

Bella was always the more mature and responsible one, kinda like how Dean describes Sam.

"Wait, guys I see a car!" Dean yells threw the house probably hoping to wake Bobby.

"Dean is right there is a car." I said looking again.

"No I was making it up!" Dean yelled at me.

"Shut up." I said loudly looking at who was getting out of the car.

"Damn it you stupid idgits!" I hear Bobby yell as he comes down the stairs.

Idgits or Idgit is one of his insults; it's a classic Bobby Singer.

"Guys we have to go they are going to go in the house." Dean said packing the weapons with my help.

Sam and Bella quickly packed their things and run out to the car.

"Shotgun!" I yelled as soon as I got out making Dean and Bella groan before getting in the backseat.

I threw everything in the trunk and jumped in the car before we started racing towards the house. Driving as fast as we could we finally made it to the house; everyone got out and raced towards the house with the weapons in hand.

As we opened the door we heard a scream coming from the basement charging down there like a angry mob of people we were able to get the teenagers out. Bella and Sam took them outside to keep them protected in case the ghost decided hey what the hell lets go kill them while they're outside we defiantly don't need that.

Dean opened every closet door and cabinet as I looked around for any clue that we could pin on Nick Ford. I hear a loud thud and I see Dean being pushed across the room by an angry human punch.

I see a man beginning to run out the closet and I trip him as he tries to get up I shot his upper thigh actually both upper thighs. He quietly cries at the pain as I walk over to Dean and help him up.

"Yep you're my sister." Dean said looking at the man who was practically holding his ass in pain.

"You needed me to shoot a guy in the ass for you to figure out were related?" I asked in a smart tone while looking at Dean in confusion.

"No that's just my style shoot them and question them." Dean said causing me to laugh and him as well.

"Hey were laughing like siblings I say that's an improvement." I said as Dean through his arm around my shoulders giving me a side hug.

"Hello sorry, but not sorry to ruin you stupid family moment and all but my ass hurts and I would like to get to the doctor. I won't press charges if you drive me over there." Nick said as he looked at us making me cock an eyebrow and laugh.

"Pressing charges yeah have fun doing that in jail you sick bastard." I said as I grabbed both his hands dragging him out to the car. Leaving him with Sam and Bella before going back inside to find the ghost's body.

I hear gunshots and suddenly jump beginning to worry as I ran into the basement I see Dean looking around pointing the gun around.

"What the hell did you shoot him?" I asked as I looked at Dean.

"Yeah I think I know where the body is." Dean said motioning to a freezer.

I made a disgusted face as I looked at it. "That sick bastard is getting even sicker by the minute." I said as I walked over to the freezer noticing the old rusty lock on it.

I grab an old wrench out of an old red rusty tool box and break the lock. I take the lock off and take a deep breath before lifting the lid to release a stomach turning sight and smell that was worse than sulfur. I almost threw up on the spot, Gale Jackson's head was looking straight out at me and his bones were in chains. His skin looked as is you were to burn old leather lightly it looked wrinkled and ancient.

I made a grossed out face as I grabbed the salt and gasoline out of the duffle bag I brought in. I shake out some salt before I feel a tug at my hair and I fall to the floor hitting my head on the side of a table. The hit not knocking me out I could feel the pain very clearly. I reached up to my forehead and see red warm blood on my fingertips

I see Dean shoot the ghost again and begin to run over to me, I wave him off so he can finish torching the bones. He does so and I see the bright flames blow up through the freezers open top. Dean looks at it and walks over to me looking at the wound on the top of my head.

"You ok?" Dean asked looking at me as everything was a little blurry.

"Yeah, I'm okay just a little blurry." I said as he helped me up grabbing everything we brought. Dean helped me out to the car Sam and Bella see the open wound and react the same both questioning Dean what happened.  

"Guys I'm fine just a bump... a bleeding bump. It's okay though it will heal." I said as Dean threw everything in the back of the car and helped me clean the wound on my head.

The cops finally arrived to take Nick Ford to prison for a first degree murder. Finally we had finished the mission impossible and out of this case I got to meet my two new family members Dean and Sam Winchester. I'm thankful even though we probably won't get along at certain times I'm happy that we will get to try and be normal siblings or as normal as we can get.

I guess this is how Bella and I's new lives are going to begin, just needed to learn everyone is different, everyone will have a challenge that you will have to help them with. Almost like a test, it is a test I guess. Maybe Bella and I's test was to family, our job, and our prize is Sam and Dean our brothers. 

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