Tall Tales, Part One

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Sister Winchesters
Chapter 14, Tall Tales

Old time rock music is playing in this old shitty broke down hotel room we were staying in. Same the table looking through dad's journal and other large books that at the moment didn't honestly concern my needs. Sam looked stressed as he flipped through the pages. Dean was sitting on Sam's bed eating God knows what, but annoyingly for sure. For the past week or so, Sam and Dean have been pranking each other non-stop. Bella and I on the other hand were sitting on Dean's bed on the laptop looking up information on the case we recently took, about some weird death of a college perfessor.

"Dude, do you mind not eating those on my bed?" Sam asked annoyed towards Dean. Dean smirked and grabbed another piece of what looked like chicken dipped in sause. "No, i don't mind." He siad chewing and licking his greasy fingers.

Sam sighed and looked at the old books. "How's your research goin?" Dean asked smacking his food.

Sam slapped his book closed and looked up. "You know how's it's going? Slow. You know how it would be a heck of a lot faster?" Sam said annoyed. "If I had a computer." Sam said pissed of, as Dean did a smik and a deep chuckle. Dean groaned as I through a pillow at his head and Bella through a phone at his sack.

Opening his book again, Sam sighed flipping the pages. "Can you turn that down please?" Sam asked loudly towards Dean.

"Yes of course." Dean said turning the msuic up. I rolled my eyes as Sam looked at Dean annoyed.

"You know what... maybe you should go somewhere else for a little while." Sam yelled over the music as I reached over and turned it off.

"Hey i'd love to. Unfourntanly my car is all screwed to hell!" Dean said looking directly at Sam.

"Dean I told you, I had nothing to do w-" Sam was stopped by a knock on the door.

I get up and unlocked the door slowly, while looking through the peak-hole. I see our well known blonde friend standing outside the old door silently.

"Elaina." I say hugging her softly, as did Bella.

"Hey Elaina." Dean and Sam say standing annoyed.

"It's good to see you again, yet so soon." Elaina says as I close the door and she walks to the mini fridge grabbing a newly bought beer. The last one to be exact.

"Yeah thanks for coming." Bella said motionin to the two knuckle heads in the corner.

"No problem." Elaina said looking at Dean and Sam carefully.

"Thank God your here." Dean said embracing Elaina in a large hug.

Letting her go Elaina looks around awkwardly.

"So what did y'all not want to talk to me on the phone about?" Elaina asked Bella.

Sam stood tall and began to speak. "It's the job wer're working on, we weren't sure if you would believe us." Elaina scoffed.

"Well I believe a lot." She said giggling.

"Yeah, yeah I know. We just never seen anything like it..." Sam said. "Nothing close." Dean of course inturrupted.

"We uh, just need a new pair of eyes on it." Sam said.

"Well why don't you begin at the beginning?" Elaina said smartly. "Oh yeah uh, it all started when the girls caught a article." Bella and I stood still. "See a perfessor took a nose dive off a four story window, only there is a campus legend that the building is haunted."Sam said handing Elaina our research.

"So we pre-tested the reporter from local paper..." I said.


Short but the beginning hope you enjoyed. So Elaina is my sisters character, so i'm giving her the credit. She's my cowriter and I wouldn't trade her for the world. So... if you want Elaina's actual story search my sister MadieBendele and you'll find her great book that I help with "Supernatural Files" If you don't like it well your an assbutt.

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