Tall Tales, Case Solved

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Rocky's P.O.V

I sat reading a case file but it seemed like no matter what the boys were bickering about everything. Bella, Elena and I have been studying the victims top to bottom and nothing seemed to come up, all of it seemed to be one big trick to screw our heads.

Sam and Dean have been going at each other like it was there job, which as brothers likely is but at this point in the case which is square zero we needed both of them to help we were getting no where any time fast.

"Okay so his house mate said he deserved what was coming?" I asked Bella while grabbing a beer. "Shouldn't that make him like the asshole suspect?"

"Should. But he is smaller then us and doesn't appear to be anything supernatural plus the boys said he had a some what valid reason." Bella said taking my beer.

"Bitch."I said grabbing another one. "What was his valid reason?"

"He was the leader of the house apparently and he put them all through hell, and well enjoyed it. So I can see where the guy would be mad not send his house mate to get probed mad but you know piss on your tooth brush." Dean said patting my bath while bringing in all of our bags.

"Sounds like the same amount of revenge to me. " I said gagging.

"None of this makes any sense what so ever. There is only one connection, and that would be the school." Elena said hugging Dean. They both looked at each other awkwardly like they just hugged naked or something. But it's obvious that probably wasn't the first time they have been that close.

"Or the fact that the professor and the frat boy are both dicks." Bella said laughing.

Yeah Bella because thats a major lead I thought. This case still didn't make any sense and it didn't seem like it was going to any time soon.

"Where's my laptop?" Sam began saying while looking through our bags. Dean looked at him and rolled his eyes.

"None of us know Sam." I said dropping my open file.

"An asshole professor gets with a dead girl. A pledge master gets hazed, where is this connection. Besides asshole." Dean said.

"I left it in here Dean." Sam said in a almost sad voice.

"All these punishments, almost seem poetic. Almost." I said standing up trying to help Sam find his laptop before his large head blew off the roof of our hotel room.

"Bells have you seen his laptop." I asked while looking around more.

"Okay Dean real funny. Ha Ha. Now where did you hide my damn laptop." Sam said getting face to face with Dean. I looked between the two and got in the middle pushing them apart some.

"Why would I take your computer." Dean yelled.

"Because no one else takes others peoples property to watch porn Dean." Sam raises his voice slightly but not to a yell, throwing his arms around like a ballon.

"Maybe a maid took it Sam." Elena pitched in with a soft calming tone.

"We don't let maids in." I added.

"Looks like you lost it." Dean said sitting back down in his chair.

Dean smirked and Sam seemed as if his head was going to explode at any second but none of us dared to interfere with either one of them. The tension got thicker, and you could cut it with a knife but not even Bobby wanted to say anything. I have never seen them be at each others throats over porn and sadly I didn't expect this to be the last time either.

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