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Rocky's P.O.V 

It's been about 2 weeks since the whole finding my long lost siblings thing. Sam, Dean, Bella, and I are closer then ever, Bobby even gives us crap about how much of idgits we are together. It just makes us all laugh and we haven't even had a fight yet, thank goodness. Bella and Sam are very close, like Dean and I, but in this small amount of time I would already give up my soul for anyone in our family. But like Bobby says 'Family Don't End With Blood.' and I believe that one hundred percent. 

Dean, Bella, Sam, and I are going out to a bar tonight to celabrate our finding each other as Bella said. It's pretty cheesy but we all can live with it. Hey, we get drinks from the guys out of this. I haven't' really been to a bar since that first run in with Dean; when I didn't even know we were related. Ladies listen closely he's only attractive until you smell his freaking farts, which p.s are killers, cold blood murders. I swear sometimes he does that to me on purpose, when I don't have any escape. 

Bella and I both decided to wear ripped skinny jeans and I wore a black lace shirt as she wore a red one; red was like her color. Dean and Sam didn't want us even leaving the house because we were revilving "too much" skin. That wasn't true but we knew they weren't going to listen so we had to wear jackets. I swear they treat us like were little kids. 

Pulling up to the bar Dean and Sam help Bella and I out of the car like respectful men should and walked by our sides all the way up to the door. Which they also didn't need to do, they could be ruining chances with guys at this very moment of walking to the door with us; like really. 

We walk in and the music takes over and the faint smell of alcohol consumes my nostrols. I smile and quickly make my way over to the bar area where there are pleanty of cute guys and drinks. I ask for my normal, which is the same drink I went against Dean with the first time we met. As the man brought me my drink I quickly shot it down earning a couple whistles and gasps. 

Before I knew it a guy came and sat next to me. He wasn't the best looking apple on the tree but he was ok. I talked to him for a little bit before he threw up on another girl who was passing, before he took off and left. Yeah someone had to much to drink. I sigh and order a simple cosmo as I wait a way more attractive man comes and sits next to me. I smile at him as he does the same. We shared some laughs and he tried to sneak a kiss here and there, but I wasn't that drunk just yet. 

As our conversation contiued on Dean walks up and puts his arm around my shoulder earning a confused look from both Jake the guy I was talking to, and myself. Dean smirks at Jake laughing a bit. 

"So what you doing with my girlfriend here man?" Dean said as my eyes widen and I move back a little looking at him in shock. 

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know man. I'll just leave." Jake said not looking for trouble. Dean smiled nodding Jake off as my jaw drops and I throw Dean's arm back down to his side. 

"What the hell was that Dean Winchester!" I yelled at him smacking him upside the head. Dean winced and looked at me seriously. 

"I'm your older brother, and I don't approve of you and a guy you don't know... you know." Dean said awkwardly. I made a grossed out face and smacked him again. 

"Dean really? Why did you have to do that to me? We were getting along great." I said as I looked at Jake talking to another girl. 

"Sorry Rocky, but it's not happening. Sam is getting Bella and then we are leaving." Dean said paying for my drinks pulling me to the door with him. 

I can't believe he just did that...


We drove back to the hotel with nothing but silence sourrounding us. It turns out that Sam did the same exact thing to Bella as Dean did to me. So basically Bella and I are beyond pissed at them right now because of this little trick they pulled at the bar. I wasn't going to act like it was ok because it wasn't, Bella felt the same, they were just beinig over protective but it was fucking annoying. 

I didn't see exactly why they had to do that we were only talking that's it, nothing else. Dean didn't seem like he would do that though, so I didn't really understand it. I knew that when Bella and I were in a foster home that our foster brothers would be protective but that was normal we live in a shitty part of town, and it was normal for every so often someone would end up dead there. 

So that I understood, but Dean and Sam I didn't at all, maybe it was just because I couldn't see it from there point of view but to me it was just stupid, all out stupid.  It was that simple, it was stupid, Bella thought the same that I did, but that was so understandable. 

I know I sound over dermatic but I could give a less shit if I do, I'm pissed and I had a lot to drink so you know... 


A.N so I know there was nothing exciting about this chapter sorry Sister Winchester fans but I didn't want to work anymore on it this week and I still need to talk to Madi about the rest of the book other then that I can't really do much in this chapter so this will be like an update just so y'all know I''m not done writing what y'all call a good book so.... Yeah Love all of y'all, you know besides those damn haters. So yeah there you go my wonderful fans, if you haven't already please vote and comment so I know you enjoy reading my crappy books. So yeah. Love y'all once again bye. -xoxo kat 

P.S thanks to a special fan who gave me the idea for this chapter!!! 

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