Folsom Prison Blues, Part Two

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Dean's P.O.V 

It's been two weeks since Rocky was questioned by the police. Scared, she never wanted to stay in one place for to long. We kept moving to keep the girls sane. But Sam and I had found a case, and it wasn't  in exactly a friendly, walk in the park environment. 

But in our case, it was perfect. The cops on our ass had made this case a hell of a lot easier. But Rocky and Bella didn't know that yet. We wanted to keep it that way, just until we were already in, we didn't want them trying to stop us. 

The case was unique. it took place in a prison, highly guarded and filled with men, who have killed other men in cold blood. Making this case a lot more difficult and dangerous. The report didn't say exactly everything that happened to the victim so we had no idea what we were walking into.

The report said to was late at night and it was already lights out for the prisoners. The guard on duty had made reports before that night about a specific inmate that was causing a lot of noise  around the same time every night, and claiming that there was for sure someone or something in the halls. 

No one looked into it, but when it got weird and a guard got his armed trapped in a empty cell gate before he was killed, it raised alarms. They said it couldn't have been any prisoners because none of the cells were opened forcefully. But that was all they had to go on and the conclusion was a prisoner murdered a guard. That was the extent of the report. 

The plan to get in was simple, all we had to do was be clumsy and lead the cops right to us. But we have to trick the girls into doing something else while me and Sam find a way to get arrested. Which wouldn't be hard. Cops have been looking for us a lot, it was easy to say we were wanted. 

The girls wouldn't know, so they of course would freak out, but we would leave a note in Rocky's car explaining everything. Once they find it, we should already be in the prison. By, then they could find a way to get us out, maybe even call in some reinforcements. But not before we solve the case. 

Rocky's P.O.V 

"Can we just stay here for a couple nights?" Bella gave me a hopeful look as we settled in for the night. I sighed and shook my head. 

"Last hotel we stayed in for a couple nights we almost got caught." I paused. "We can't afford that." I say laying back on the harsh, thick mattress. 

"Rocky, it worked out. You and I weren't arrested and either were the boys. I even made it back to you the next day." I rolled my eyes as I moved to my side. 

"I wasn't planning on debating on this and I won't." I said harshly. 

"Well your sure as hell not the boss. The boys are out there scouting a case, while I sit here babysitting you because you're to scared of the police!" Bella began to raise her voice. 

"Well I sure as hell don't need a babysitter!" I sit up and stare at Bella harshly raising my voice. "I'm not scared of the police Bella, I'm scared of losing another family member. Because if any of us get arrested we will all go to prison, we will never see each other again!" 

"I get it. You made a promise to yourself to never put you're family in danger, but we are in danger everyday. Leaving or staying, none of that will make a difference. We need to be out there doing our jobs, and helping our brothers." Bella said calmly. 

"I can't lose anyone else. If it's selfish, so be it. With this job you don't get to be selfish, but you guys are my family, my blood, the only ones I have!" I say sitting up. 

Bella notices my voice cracking and looks down, "Get up. Now, because you're right you don't get to be selfish! Not now. Not when our brothers are out doing a job alone when we should be with them!" Bella practically chants while throwing me my jean jacket. 

I laugh under my breath. I stand up and hug Bella. "No." I say. She pulls away and stares me right in the eyes gritting her teeth. 

She walks away grabbing her gun, my keys, and she leaves. I stand speechless, and shocked. I grab my jacket and rush out the door, but she was already driving away. I looked down and sighed leaning against the door. 


"Family, is family. No matter what. No matter how many fights or how many bad days. You're family is what keeps you going everyday. You protect family. You don't let them stand alone. I will always fight for you and your sister. But you have to be there to fight with her. I won't always be here to help you, and either will your dad. Promise me Rocky." 

"I promise mom." I hug my mom closely and cry into her shoulder. "I love you." 

"I love you too baby girl." My moms breath cracks and she begins to tuck me in. She smiles and turns off the lights. 

"Goodnight. Don't let the bug bite." She closes the door and I smile closing my eyes. 

"Goodbye." I say. 

I never saw her again. People said she died, and that's why we moved away. But I never understood. 

I run across the street to a small parking lot behind a restaurant and take a car, speeding after Bella. 

Sam's P.O.V

"This way." Dean says nudging me in the side. I sigh and follow quickly behind. We both hold our flash lights which reflects off glass cases holding collectables. 

" hate this plan." I said looking around. 

Dean rolls his eyes. "I got that already. Please stop repeating it." 

We walk down the halls looking left and right. Finding a room Dean points at a display for me to break into. I break open the lock and slide the glass looking at the item inside. 

I pull out a old hatchet, examining it i focus on its features. We hear a loud noise coming from the halls and i put the hatchet down. I nod towards the hall quickly and we walk out in a rush before being stopped by a line of cops. 

"Freeze! Don't move!" We stand still for a moment. 

Shit. We turn around to run the other direction. Cops. We turn again to run. 

"I said, freeze!" the officer yells. My chest tightens. We are surrounded. 

"To late to back out now isn't it?" I say sarcastically at Dean. 

"You think? Hope you look good in orange." Dean says in a smart tone. 

"Put your hands behind your heads and down on your knees, now!" a female cop yells. 

We take a deep breath and put our hands up dropping to the ground on our knees. The sound of the handcuffs clinking made my heart race faster. Dean and I look at each other.

Bella's P.O.V

I pull up to a building it's surrounded with cop cars, I watch carefully and see the police walk out with two men. Sam and Dean. I watch closely and turn on my police radio. 

"We got em. Alive and well, no signs of the sisters sir." a deep voice says, the static breaks and I hear a new voice. 

"They will mess up. Just like these boys did. Just wait. If they don't, they were't our main concern anyways." I breathe heavily and begin to back up. 

"Hey!" Rocky's voice echoes through my ears she run from behind the car and into the passengers seat. 

"Step on it!" She yells. 



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