The Women In White, Part One

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Sister Winchesters

Chapter 12, Part One

(The Women in White)

Rocky's P.O.V

The boys and I have shared stories about hunts that we have took over the years, just now getting used to the idea that we would have two extra souls we are responsible for. It was great to have siblings trust me I loved it, I wasn't ready for it though. It was a little crazy that we found each other.

We have been looking for hunts everywhere but one caught my eye. A hitchhiker being picked up right before they have a man drive them to a abandon house and disappear. It's a classic Women in White story. If you haven't heard it yet here you go...

Always dangerous because it preys on one of the best human qualities, the impulse to help those in need. The problem with the vanishing hitchhiker is that it never stays vanished. It leaves a token sometimes, which leads the person who offered the ride to try and find it again. Usually that search leads straight to a graveyard, there's one less Good Samaritan the world. Some spirits know they can't approach directly, and some just love the game of taking advantage of the better side of human nature.


Not the best example but you get the point. I have been everywhere hunting down these bitches. I've always found their stories sad. I am mostly like Dean I put all of them to rest for the best of everyone. If it's supernatural it isn't good, that what our dad always said.

Bella and Sam spend a lot of time together running and working out. Dean and I are the ones who stay inside a lot. Dean tried to steal my pie yesterday it didn't go good for him. I still promised since I bit him I would buy him his own pie, but still what type of man thinks he can steal a girl's pie? (Sorry I had too)

Anyways, Bella and I are planning on showing the boys some of our own fighting and work out methods that might help and they are going to show us some. It's probably going to be funny, thinking that this was going to be siblings kicking each other's asses. (CREDS TO MY GREAT SIS, THANKS FOR THE IDEA)

I knew that after today we would all have to go and work the case I found, but I would enjoy today. I stood up as Dean helped me up off the floor.

"Do we have to work out today? I just ate some pie." Dean stated as I sighed patting him on the arm.

"Yes now get your lazy ass ready." I said as I walked into the bathroom with my work out stuff.

My workout clothing was a pair of running shorts, running shoes, a headband, and a low cut sided shirt. I quickly threw on all my clothing before rushing out to see Dean frowning at me.

"Get over it." I said pulling him with me outside with our water bottles.


"C'mon Dean did you just get beat by a girl!" Bella yelled laughing as I stood in front of Dean lying on the floor in pain.

"Shut up she's more powerful then I though." Dean coughed out. I held out my hand for Dean to help Dean to get up and he gladly took it. As he put his hand in mine I flipped over him pulling his arms over his head I sat straddling his waist holding a knife to his throat.

I stood up helped him up as he rubbed his neck. Bella laughed and came over giving me a high five. It was now time for the real fight.

Bella and Sam moved over and always from Dean and I stood in front of each other waiting for one of us to make a move. Circling each other Dean finally threw a punch. I grabbed his hand as he looked in surprise and swept his feet from under him quickly him falling to the floor. Dean flipped us back over so he was now putting up more of a fight. He pinned me down as I slammed my head into his making him fall back a little. I stood up as he held his head, I jumped at him with a punch. Dean got punched in the jaw surprised he fell to the floor then the real fun began. Dean grabbed both my arms throwing me to the ground in a loud thud. I gasped for air as Dean lightly kicked me in the stomach, he didn't want to hurt me. I had a better Idea though. I kicked up my foot to hit him where the sun doesn't shine but missed causing him to get in a good stride with some punches. I coughed as Sam and Bella yelled enough. Dean and I got up laughing, as our siblings looked at us confused.

"We weren't hurting each other that bad." I said as Sam and Bella began to laugh a little as well.

It was now time for the guys to show us some moves, but I wasn't sure really what they could teach us that we didn't already know.

"Ok so I was proven wrong, you two both can fight I'm guessing; but there is still some stuff y'all are missing. A quick shot gun reload, y'all need to know how to load up quickly." Sam said. I looked at both bothers and sighed.


"Dean I said no. That's enough." Bella said as Dean continued whining about stopping for pie. I understand, where Dean was coming from of course; I wanted pie as well. We were on our way to Jericho, where our dad was investigating the disappearances of young men.

We found it was a good thing to go after; the latest victim was Troy Squire. Bella suggested that we go talk to anyone who was close to him, who just so happened to be his girlfriend Amy Hein.

"Sam, just stop and get these two idgits some pie." Bella said as Dean and I yelled in joy.


We finally arrived in the town known as Jericho, we researched the girlfriend and quickly found her. We all put on our cover up which just so happened to be FBI agents, and grabbed our badges leaving the hotel we had at the moment. After everyone yelled and debated on who got shotgun (Dean and I won) we all piled into the black Impala.

Sam and Bella were sitting in the back looking at stuff in dad's journal. Dean was driving the Impala in great happiness down the road. I looked out the window just trying to rmember exactly why Bella and I started hunting to begin with.


14 Years Ago

"Rocky!" Bella yelled down the hall from our rooms.

"I found something." She yelled again as I giggled running into the room.

"What? What did you find?" I asked in excitment.

"This." Bella held up a journal when we heard our mom scream.

Running into our mom's room our mom was sitting there not moving with blood flowing freely from her stomach. I cried not understanding what exactly was happening in this moment. Bella and I ran out of the room Bella still with a grip to the journal she found as we ran out of the house in tears.


A tear slips down my cheek as I remember that night. We never understood until John found us again. He came home after forever and took us to Bobby. We learned everything we needed to and for the first 3 years of our hunting we just wanted revenger nothing was more important to us, now its all about saveing people, hunting things, it's the family buisness....




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