Folsom Prison Blues, Case Closed

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Dear Readers,

I know it has been a long time since I have updated Sister Winchesters and I know that some people have been waiting to know what is going to happen as the last chapter ended with Dean and Sam in prison. As a first little disclaimer I finished this chapter and was going to upload it but then I realized I wanted something more for the story. So I was giving it a couple days to see if I would come up with something for the last part of the Folsom Prison Blues case. When I came back to add in my new twist, the chapter was completely deleted. I was very upset as it had taken a lot of work to finish that chapter and I was so proud of it. Plus I am extremely busy with classes, which doesn't give me a lot of time to work on the book. But as of tonight, I believe the chapter turned out better. I really hope that this chapter is everything you've been waiting for, because it's going to be a super long one, packed with a lot of twists that you guys probably didn't see coming. This chapter was possibly the most complex and one of the best ones I've written yet. You get to see more of the sisters' side in the chapter and how they are dealing with certain situations. At the end of this chapter, I have more surprises for you guys that I think you guys will like. So if you stick around until the end and enjoy the chapter, don't forget to vote for the story, and leave a comment. So buckle up here we go. Happy reading.

-Kat Marie Liendo

Folsom Prison Blues, Part Four

Rocky's P.O.V

Bella was scared and I could see that, I was too. We knew that the cops were possibly looking for us at this point. We knew that they wanted any information about Sam and Dean that they could get to put it against them. But we also had our secrets, a lot that we wanted to hide from the federal government. Our life was always complicated, but I couldn't help but to think that we might lose our brothers. We had only known them for what seems like months, but loved them as if we've known them forever. Since their arrest I've become slightly more of an alcoholic then usual, and Bella was constantly freaking out. She looks out the windows, and asks if we can take shifts staying up at night, and of course, we do in case we have to run.

I listen to the police radios everyday, the only time I leave the hotel is to go get fast food for us both. We've been living off the same burger place for days. I was worried, but I also wanted to get the hell out of dodge. I don't want to seem selfish, but the boys can go away for a long time. If the agents ever found out Bella and I were involved with anything they did, or even suspected. We could both end up behind bars as well.

"Do you think it's stupid?" Bella asks nervously. I look over at her slightly confused.

"What?" I ask while taking a sip of my beer.

"Do you think just sitting around, and waiting is stupid? Do you think we should go out there, and try to find a way to get them out?" She asks shuffling over to the dining table from the couch.

"I think it would be stupid if we got ourselves arrested. Because we really couldn't help them if we did." I say trying to seem calm.

"What if we got them a lawyer, someone decent. That's not illegal." Bella says desperately.

I didn't want to seem like an ass but, I had to be realistic, "We told the agents we didn't know where they were. If we send a lawyer, they will know we were lying. That's obstruction of justice, we would get in a lot of trouble."

"They don't have to know it was us." Bella says trying to convince me.

I sigh, "We don't have money Bella, not enough for legal bills. I want them out just as much as you do. But I will not risk getting you or myself arrested." I say firmly.

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