Sisters and The Mission Impossible

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I stumbled into the hotel room holding a large file in my hand. This file held what most would see as an normal criminal case, but that's where my sister and I step in. Rocky and Bella Winchester, the daughters of a supernatural hunter John Winchester. "Load the car, I have the information." I said grabbing my duffel bag and walking back to my vehicle. 


Finally pulling up to the old 3 story house if you count the attic or as I would call it the loft; my sister and I get out of our dusty blue old fashioned mustang. Which is my baby, I honestly would die for my car and of course my wonderful sister to. We are right now undercover as FBI agents to solve a number of murders around town all happening in the same house; The Jackson's' House. This house has a long history of deaths but we tend to put an end to these murders.

Bella and I think that we are dealing with an angery spirt who died in this house 75 years ago. His name was Gale Jackson or also known 'The Old Man in the Attic' creepy right. Bella did some research and the reason he had that nickname was because he really never left his attic. Thats the only place he would be just down there in the dark.

I popped the trunk to my car and walked around to the back of my car to grab my rock salt loaded shotgun. As I grabbed the reloads and of course the gun, I heard a scream and I think Bella did to; because we both started to hurry up and grab our stuff. Trying to get the gun out I saw that there was a young man running out of the house about my age which would be 18. He looked at us but was so scared he couldn't even speak, I grabbed my gun and ran in the old ratchet house as fast as I could.

Before even thinking I ran up into the attic seeing a young girl with her throat slit and blood bushing out every where. I simply walk past her and look around, Bella soon runs in behind me with her gun and checks the closets around us. With no vision of the spirit I walk over to the last place that hasn't been yet checked which was the storage closet. As I open the door I am attacked and pinned up against the hard ass brick wall.

Bella shoots the spirt and I take a deep breathe before getting ready for the next attack. Which I'm guessing will probabably not happen ghost themselves never really stay around after the attack. Plus that rocksalt put a good 5 minutes of no ghost time for us; thanks God.

I walk over to Bella and give her the look which is the 'we were to late' look and she simply nodded and walked out with me. This is a really tough case we never have had so many people die in one week; well maybe if the dumb ass kids would stay out of the house to begin with. I walked out of the house and over to my car putting the gun back in my duffle bag and waiting for Bella who was burning the body in the basement she has about 2 minutes before that damn ghost comes back other wise I would be there with her.

I looked at the young man who clearly was crying. That was ether his best friend, girlfriend, or sister; I'm kinda don't want to ask what if he goes off like a time bomb. "That was my girlfriend, we were just...", he started but couldn't finish his sentence as he started to silently sob in his hands. I felt bad for him I never really felt the pain he was feeling but I could imagine that it really sucked.

Bella walked from behind the house with her gun while putting her jacket back on. He continued crying and Bella mouthed me who she was and I replied my mouthing his girlfriend back to her. Pain took over her eyes and she walked back over to him pulling him into her small arms and as soon as she let go she put her gun and shells back in the trunk.

I really had no idea why this was so hard we have tried to kill this piece of crap 5 times he won't die his remains are also no where to be found it makes no sense. "Get in the car we're leaving." I tofd the still crying man in front of me. He nodded and got in the backseat without another word. I turned the key starting my car and closed my door, before driving off and into the night with this still very bad case that i'm now naming 'Mission Impossible'.

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