~Chapter Three: Critical~

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Author's Note:
Umm... Something's wrong with my Wattpad. I couldn't see the first chapter of this book. Is it just mine or yours too?

Anyway, here's an update! Enjoy!

-Claire 🦄
Yna (Miranda Kerr) on the media.

She's so pretty!! 😁😁
Yna's POV

It was a busy day. Everyone had their own work to do. We had a meeting today and I kept on confusing something with another one. Dylan noticed this and he talked to me about it.

"What's wrong with you today?" He asked in a worried tone.


"Are you sure?" He asked again, concern laced in his voice.

"I promise. I'm going to my desk now." I said and walked towards my desk.

I did my work quietly. Then I felt pain in my chest. I saved the file I'm working on before I picked up my bag and headed towards the door. Luckily no one noticed. Or else I have some explanation to do. I don't want to deal with explaining right now.

The clinic was full of people. Why does it have to be full today? I walked to the table of the doctor's secretary to get a number then sat on the long wooden seat and waited for my turn.



That's what it said. How could I be critical when I'm drinking all my medications and have a healthy lifestyle? How will I escape this illness? Most of all, how can I tell Dylan about it?

I just got out of the clinic and I still can't sink it in. I was diagnosed a year ago. And I still don't have the guts to tell Dylan. I don't want him to worry so much about me. I don't want to be a burden to anyone anymore.

I stared at the paper, hoping that the result would change.

What will I do? I'm too young to die. Not really young, but I'm not too old to die.

But maybe this is what my life is planned. I remembered my grandmother who died with a heart condition too. She just had an attack and that's it. We didn't even got a chance to become so close because I was just four when she died.

I released a frustrated sigh. I shoved the paper into my hand bag and walked out of the clinic. I ran my fingers through my hair and drove back to the office.

"Where have you been?"

Dylan's voice.

"Yna?" He called again. I turned around and smiled. "Where have you been?"

I let out a sigh. "I went out to calm myself." I lied. We promised not to lie to each other, but what am I doing?

He went to me and gave me a hug.

"Are you alright?" He asked. I nodded in approval. He kissed my forehead before going back to his office.

My co-workers were smiling at me. I smiled back and went back to my work.

Time passed. My work is done and I waited for Dylan. When we got home, I prepared our dinner. But somehow, my condition still bothers me. And I hate to tell Dylan about it because he's gonna get hurt.

Usually our dinner is filled with laughter. He would tell me something cheesy or funny, and then I would laugh or giggle. Then there was one time where we had a food fight. But now, it was quiet. He tried to make the atmosphere happy though. He said a joke, but I just smiled and didn't say anything. I know it bothers Dylan as much as it bothers me.

"What are you thinking so hard?" He said, finally breaking the silent atmosphere.

"Um, nothing." I lied.

He reached my hand from across the dinner table. He caressed my knuckles with his thumb. "You know that you can tell me anything."

"It's nothing." I insisted. I don't want him to know.

"Why do you love me?" I asked silently.


"Why do you love me?" I asked a little louder. I wanted to know.

He smiled. "Because you're you. You aren't afraid to be yourself. You're beautiful and you're full of joy. You make me happy. And that's what matters the most right?"

I nodded and gave him a smile. "I love you."

"I love you too." He said and placed a small kiss on my hand before eating dinner again.

He said a joke after a while. And I laughed. It was back to our dinner that is full of laughter.

I have to be happy. I want to be happy. I need to be happy.
Author's Note:
Our dear Yna is in a critical condition 💔 What do you think of the chapter?

Share your thoughts! 😊

-Claire 🦄

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