~Chapter Thirteen: One Last Time~

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Serenity's POV

It's been a week since Michael proposed. And we threw a celebration together with our friends. The celebration was held at The Weddings after office hours. Everything was perfect.

Then I remembered Dylan.


I washed my hands after using the bathroom. Just outside the door, I got face to face with Dylan. I couldn't read what he was feeling. His eyes shows confusion, sadness and... love?

"Serenity..." he whispered as though what he was saying would cause something bad.

"Are you... alright?" I said as I looked from him to the floor.

"I-uh... I-uh..." he stammered. I diverted my gaze to him and saw that he was kinda nervous. He was staring right at me, it's that kind of stare wherein you feel like he was looking through my soul.

My heart started to beat faster. It was like the elephants started to thump. He cleared his throat before proceeding again, "...I would like to know if that is really your decision?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

He sighed then said, "are you really sure that you're going to marry... him?"

I stared at him. Why is he asking this? Why does he look sad about me marrying Michael? And why didn't I answer right away? "Yes. I'm sure of it..."

"Then why did it took you a while to answer?" He asked.

I got a bit shocked at what he just said and I just glared at him. "And why are you asking me this?" I said in a not-so-nice tone.

I didn't really like what he said. I was about to leave but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me in a hug. It was those kind of hugs where you feel safe. I suddenly felt sad. I hugged him back, he exhaled.

"One last time." He breathed out. "At least I get to be in your arms. For the last time."

He pulled away. And he caressed my cheek with his calloused hand. I just closed my eyes. I felt his lips touch my forehead for seconds before whispering,

"I love you."

And he left.

End of Flashback

"Serenity?" Michael called from behind. I didn't know that he already arrived. We live together now. I moved in to his apartment three days ago and I'm still unpacking my stuff.

"Hey... how did your meeting go?" I asked and put down the books that I'm arranging on the shelf. I led him to he kitchen and we sat on the kitchen bar and ate some leftover pizza that we ordered yesterday.

"So? How was the meeting?" I asked again. Michael's company had a meeting with a new client.

"Uhh... Serenity..." he said hesitantly. I gave him a small smile and signaled him to continue, "...she's back... Dorothy's back."

And with that, my smile faded. She's back. Dorothy is back. His ex-fiancé is back.

Not that I'm afraid of her. It's just that I'm sad about the fact that she left him waiting for her. On the altar on their wedding day. Without a word or explanation. He never saw her after that, not until now.

I was brought back to reality when Michael cleared his throat and gave me a lopsided smile. I knew it bothers him as much as it bothers me but, why are we even bothering about it? It's in the past. Right?


Few more weeks passed by. Each day, Michael and I are planning about our wedding. The Weddings didn't accept many wedding plans due to my upcoming wedding.We temporarily slowed down the business so we can focus on mine. This is what my co-workers agreed on. Not that I'm complaining.

As for Michael and I, I started to notice that he is either distracted or spaced out during our bonding time or wedding planning. For the first three days, I just thought that maybe it was stress in work. But then, I started noticing that he is becoming distant for two weeks. So I decided that I would confront him tonight.

Author's Note:

Hope you liked it! What do you think of the chapter? What's gonna happen next? 😊

God bless you! 😇

-Claire 🦄

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