~Chapter Five: The Weddings~

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Dylan's POV


That is the reason why she died. Why did she hide it from me?

Confusion, extreme weariness, angina and other obvious symptoms. Why didn't I took notice and question her? We promised that we would be true to each other, but why did she hide it?

Maybe she doesn't want to make me worried. Well, I'm her other half, she should've told me.

It's been seven months since she died. And I am starting to accept that she's not going back.

I let out a heavy breath as I stared at the sea of nameless faces. I could see children holding their parent's hands, or a couple giving each other a goodbye kiss.

To be honest, airports witness sincere kisses rather than churches. And yes, I'm at the airport.

"Dylan!" That's my sister. Her voice shrilled. I have this theory about when we were little, she swallowed a megaphone. Anyway, She decided to come here with Chase, who went to Florida to see her.

"Delilah." I greeted once they were near me. We exchanged hugs and went to the car. On our way home, it was kinda quiet since they are tired. I decided to let them rest.

"Hey! Look who's getting married!" She said as she showed her left hand to me. There sits a silver ring with a small diamond at the middle. It was simple but beautiful.

"Congratulations." I said and looked at Chase, who is already looking at me, waiting for me to say something.

I focused my eyes on the road and started to talk about how he should love Delilah and if he is really serious about this because if not, I would get mad at him.

"I'm in love with your sister. And I wouldn't do anything to hurt her." He said and then I started hearing kissing noises. I turned on the radio and they laughed.

"When are you going to get married?" I asked, lowering the volume of the radio.

"As soon as possible!" Delilah answered with excitement.


And when she said as soon as possible, it really is. She didn't waste the next day. She went to Manchester's best wedding planners.

We drove downtown to see them. As for Delilah, she couldn't stop blabbering about what kind of gown she wanted.

And we finally arrived.

The Weddings

We made our way inside the building and signed up for an appointment. We patiently waited for our turn.

I took the time to observe the place. White walls which are filled with wedding photographs of different people. The couches were lilac and there's also a center table, which the company's magazines are on.

There was a couple across me who is looking at one of the magazines. I remembered the day I asked Yna for marriage she was eager to arrange the wedding.

"Dylan." Chase called out. I averted my gaze to them. "We're just going to buy some coffee. Do you want some?"

I nodded. "Black coffee. Thanks." He nodded and Delilah tagged along with him. Those two are inseparable.

I used my phone to kill time. I was playing a game when the door opens.

"Good morning ma'am." The security guard greeted, which caught my attention.

I looked up and saw three girls. One brunette, the other one is a ginger and lastly a black-haired girl.

I must say that these girls are head turners. Their presence makes the atmosphere happier. But I'm not attracted to any of them.

"Is Kate here?" The black-haired girl asked the receptionist.

"Not yet, ma'am." She said with a smile.

And they started chatting with the receptionist. It was girls talk, so I put my attention back to my phone.

"There's Kate!" One of the girls said.

"Hey girls!"

And that voice grabbed my attention.

"Serenity?!" I asked in a shock as jerked up from my seat and stride towards her.

Author's Note:

Hello readers! 😊 Serenity is back! And I'm sure of it this time. 😁 Oh yeah, Chase and Delilah are getting married! Yay! ❤️

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

-Claire 🦄

Maybe This Time [Sequel/Book 2]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant