~Chapter Twelve: The Proposal~

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Author's Note:

Hello everyone! I've been busy. Again. I'm so sorry for being away. All the time. 🙄😅 Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy this chapter.

-Claire 🦄

(Can't help falling in love by Daniel Padilla on the media.)

• I am so in love with his version of Elvis Presley's song. It just gives me the feels. I hope you will feel it too. 😊 •

Serenity's POV

"I'm just going to buy some cotton candy." I told Michael and stood up from my comfortable sitting position on the grass.

Michael and I decided to go to the lover's park. To just hang out. No work... no stress... just love. And coffee. And sandwiches.

As I wait for my cotton candy, I heard laughter coming from children.

Then I remembered us...




Running around the park playing tag back when we were seven or eight years old.

I miss those times...

"Miss? Your cotton candy." The vendor said.

"Oh. Sorry. Here." I handed him a 2 dollar bill. I smiled a bit then went away.

Never dwell in the past. I don't live there anymore. My life is so perfect with Michael, my love.

When I got back, Michael is watching the kids as he waits for me patiently. The picnic blanket and the food are packed. When I cleared my throat, he looked at my way and his face lit up.

"Let's go feed the ducks." He said with a smile.

"And feed them my cotton candy?" I joked. "I'll pass." I added and giggled.

We fed the ducks with the excess sandwiches. After that, I just placed my head on his shoulder as his arm wrapped my waist. We watched the ducks quietly, but he decided to break the silence.

(Author's Note: Play the video on the media, so you have background music. 😊💕)

"You know, I love you so much." He said and placed a kiss on my hair.

I looked at his eyes. "And I you." And smiled at him.

"Do you remember what I promised you before I left for the trip?" He asked. I suddenly had goosebumps.

"Uh... y-yeah... I do." I said stuttering. He smiled and reached something from his pocket.


He's going to propose.

He put down the picnic basket and kneeled.

"Serenity, you are the most beautiful, wonderful, kind, passionate, humble, and loving woman I've ever met. Words can't describe the way I feel for you. You're my world, the reason why I wake up everyday with a smile, the one who keeps me sane. You're my everything. And I couldn't imagine my life without you in it. I want you to be there for me always, I want to wake up in the morning seeing your beautiful face and sleeping in the night with you in my arms, knowing that you won't leave. I love you so much Serenity, and it would make me the happiest man in the world if you would marry me." He said to me with his eyes full of emotions. "Will you marry me, Serenity?"

I couldn't help it. Tears made its way out of my eyes and I slowly nodded my head, repeating the word "yes" as an answer to his question. I didn't know what to say. I'm so happy.

He took my hand and slid the engagement ring there. It was a simple ring yet so beautiful.

(Engagement ring picture below 💍💞)

He stood up afterwards and kissed me on the lips, not caring that we are in the middle of a park with children playing

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He stood up afterwards and kissed me on the lips, not caring that we are in the middle of a park with children playing.

I, too, didn't care at all. All that matters is him, me, and this beautiful moment.

Author's Note:

Take my hand,
take my whole life too,
For I can't help falling in love with you,
For I can't help falling in love with you~~~ 😍❤️

How was it? Thank you so much for waiting for my update patiently. I appreciate it a lot. School just ended. So probably, I would update fast. 😊

God bless you! 😇

-Claire 🦄

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