~Chapter Eight: In Denial~

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Author's Note:
Hello guys! I'm so sorry for being inactive for a long time. I had some personal stuff going on. So yeah, I hope you enjoy this short chapter. 😊

-Claire 🦄

Beach wedding venue on the media
Serenity's POV

Today is the day. She's getting married. I fixed the flowers on her hair and stared at her reflection on the mirror.

"You're happy." I said to her then she smiled. You know that smile that only appears when you think of the person you love? Or the smile that appears when you hear his name? Yeah. I can see that smile on her face.

"Yeah. I am." She assured. "I'm getting married with the person I've been in love with ever since grade school."

"Congratulations." I answered with a smile. "There; you're beautiful." I said as I placed the last flower on her hair.

"Thank you so much." She said and stood up and gave me a hug.

"Don't you feel nervous?" I asked.

"About what?" She asked back.

"About getting married. I mean, a lot of things will change after this." I said.

She let out a giggle. "Yeah. A lot of things will change. But at least I have someone by my side to guide me." She continued.

I didn't know what to answer, so I just nodded slowly.

"Don't you miss Dylan?" She blurted out.

I was shocked. I mean, why would she ask that?

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that." She added.

A moment of silence passed before I spoke.

"I miss him. I miss our friendship."

"Oh. Do you still... have feelings for him?" She asked hesitantly. Oh my gosh, why is she asking these things?

"No... I don't. I love Michael..." I answered right away. "I'll be going now. I'll fix some other stuffs outside."

She nodded as I stood up and went out. I let out a sigh and took a deep breath before helping the staff.

After a while, the ceremony started. Every step she takes, it marks a footprint that shows how memorable this event is. When she reached the altar, I could totally see Chase crying. Love and happiness are evident in his tears.

As the ceremony began, I couldn't help but wonder how will my dream wedding go.

As I entered the church slowly, my friends and family are looking at me with tears of joy in their eyes. All of them are smiling at me. Every step I take, I'm closer to being a wife, and soon, a mother. My heart beats faster. I keep the smile on my face.

And there he is.

My future husband.

The love of my life.

My Mich--

What is Dylan doing here?

This is supposed to be Michael...

Or is it?

"You may now kiss the bride." The priest said, which knocked me out of my thoughts.

After Chase and Delilah sealed it with a kiss, everyone rejoiced and gave them applause. At the reception, I waited for Michael to arrive. I sat with my fellow wedding planners.

Dylan's POV

I watched her from afar. She looks happy. She's blooming. Her boyfriend arrived and that made her face light up.

Why am I feeling a pang of jealousy in my heart? Why am I feeling this way? This isn't right.

You still love her. An inner voice told me.

No. I. Can't.

I shouldn't fall in love right now. Yna just passed away and I feel like I'm not honoring her if I fall in love with someone else. I'm a widower who's still in love with his wife.

"You still like her, or perhaps, you still love her." Someone said. I turned around and saw Delilah.

"Hey..." I greeted.

"Hey." She replied, then a moment of silence passed before she talked again, "how are you?"

"I'm doing well." I answered.

"Then why are you unsure?" She argued.

"I don't know..."

"By what I can see, you still have some feelings for Serenity." She said in a matter of fact tone.

"I can't."

"Yna wants you to be happy." She answered. "She knows that no matter what, Serenity will always mean something to you."

"I don't know." I answered; not knowing what to say.

"Stop denying."

"Fine." I said, giving up. "Let's say that I still have feelings for Serenity--"

"You still have." She argued. "Quit denying brother." She added, rolling her eyes.

"Fine. But she's with someone else." I said, looking back at Serenity and Michael, who seems to be happy together.

"Yeah. But you can still be there for her as her friend." She said. I looked at her and she's looking at the two. "But you know, they're still not married. Things can change. You'll never know." She explained.

"Yeah... I'll never know what's gonna happen in the future. Let's just hope that everything will be okay." I replied.

Looking at the two, I can see a bright future ahead of them. And I would be selfish to take that away from them.

Author's Note:

There you have it! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Lovelots! 💕😊


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