~Chapter Fourteen: First Love Never Dies~

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Serenity's POV

I heard the main door of our apartment opened and closed. He's here. I set the salad that I made down the dinner table and exited the kitchen to greet him. I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

After saying a short prayer of thanks, we proceeded on eating our salads. He is quiet and kept on glancing on his phone, I observed. But I was too, so I decided to break the silence.

"How's your day?"

He didn't reply. I sighed, he's still distracted.

So I cleared my throat and asked him once more, "how's your day?"

He heard. "Uh... it was fine. Yeah."

Why is he like that? Curiosity started to eat me up so I decided to ask him.

"Are we okay?"

He shifted on his seat. And even though he has his eyes looking down on his lap, I saw hesitation. Confusion. And fear.

"You can tell me anything." I said in a calm voice.

"I'm sorry Serenity."

As soon as those words escaped his lips, I knew what he is exactly talking about.

"I tried not to Serenity." He explained, "I'm sorry."

I just nodded, trying to sink in what he said. I do love Michael but why doesn't it hurt like it's supposed to be?

"I still love her." He said. Regret swimming in his eyes. He still loves Dorothy. "I want to win her back."

"Don't regret it." I said, "it's okay. I totally understand you. What you feel for me is not the same as what you feel for her. It's deeper."

He looked at me. But before he could say anything, I spoke again.

"I still love Dylan too. And you don't have to regret it, we are just each other's past now. And one day we will look back, and we will just smile about this. I loved you Michael, but I love Dylan more." I explained further and removed the engagement ring he gave me.

I held his hands and put the ring there before I smiled at him.

"I loved you too Serenity. Thank you." He said. I stood up and kissed him on the cheek before I headed towards our room.

I packed my things. He helped me with it. When we reached the door, we smiled at each other.

"Wish you luck." I said.

"So do you." He replied. And I left.

I went to my parents' house and they were shocked about what happened. But I told them that I would discuss it further tomorrow because it was a long day for me.

The next day, I called Michael to help me explain what happened to my parents. After few hours of explaining over and over again because they can't sink it in, they finally understood.


"So you and Michael over?" Trixie asked.

"For the nth time Trixie, yes. We are over." I repeated with a smile playing on my lips.

Trixie, Tanya, Anna, and I are having coffee at a café downtown.

"It didn't hurt that much?" Tanya asked.

"Surprisingly, it didn't." I said with a shrug.

"You're weird." Anna commented. "I would probably cry if I find out that my fiancé wants to get back with his ex-fiancé." She added and rolled her eyes before laughing.

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