Chapter 43

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A/N.: If you dont get that part about Corey Santaski, you're probably never going to get it unless you check out the fabulous PPD's stories!

43. Secrets

Of all the things Krislynn expected Chase to say, his parent’s relationship was at the very end. Most people talked about their parent’s relationship with themselves, or what they did for a living or what their personality was like so the reason Chase wanted to tell her about their relationship was beyond her. “That’s pretty amazing though,” she said, “not a lot of people last that long.”

He nodded and didn’t seem to have anything more to say about his parents. “What about your siblings?” She asked. “Do you have any?”

“Yeah, I’ve got two older brothers and a younger sister. You’re an only child right?”

Krislynn made a face at him and nodded. “I’ve always hated it though. I wish I had a sister or something.” Grabbing a few fries, she dipped them all in ketchup and gobbled them right up before continuing. “Are you close with them?”

Chase tilted his head to the side and seemed to contemplate a few responses inside his head. “Define close,” he murmured. “I mean, my family’s always been close, but not like Bible Camp close.” He shrugged. “I guess I’m closest to my sister if you really wanted to know. My brothers are a lot older than I am.”

“Like how much are we talking?” She asked.

“Well, Adam is older than me by nine years, and Brett is older by seven.” Krislynn’s eyes grew amused as she held back a chuckle, and Chase rolled his eyes as he caught onto her little joke. “Shut up,” he groaned weakly. “My mom thought it would be a real laugh if she named her kids in the order of the alphabet, okay? It’s stupid. I know.”

“No, I think it’s cute!” Krislynn twirled her straw with her fingers as she uttered a giggle. “Your mom is a real gem isn’t she?”

The corner of his mouth raised and he smirked as his eyes lowered bashfully. “Yeah,” he murmured. “That’s what my dad always says.”

Krislynn smiled. “So then, Adam, Brett, Chase, and your sister is what? Daisy? Dana?”

“Delilah,” he said, “but my mom’s the only one that calls her that. She’s been going as Isla ever since a kid.”

Krislynn nodded approvingly. “So then, you’re closest to Isla?” She clarified.

He nodded. “She’s four years younger than me, so by the time she started school, Adam and Brett was way into their own thing and she always followed me around hoping I’d play with her.”

“Awww... Big brother Chase!”

Chase let out an unsatisfied grunt. “Whatever. Anyways, we’re not all that close anymore. She got knocked up when she was seventeen so yeah, had to grow up fast.”

Krislynn opened her mouth in surprise. She hadn’t expected something like this, and knew from work experience how harsh reality can be for a teenage mom, especially a single one. “So then, how is she now?” She asked.

“Happily married.” Chase sat back in his chair and slid down several inches like a little kid. “Like the rest of them,” he added with a dry tone.

“Oh,” she said.

“Yeah,” he murmured.

“Do they all have kids and stuff?”

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