Chapter 4- Paint my dreams

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I leave my room and walk down a corridor that isn't used often. I can tell mostly by the dusty photos on the wall and faded surroundings. Also I am one of the only people who know about it. Is it secretive? A little bit. But is it hiding something dangerous and or threatening? No.

I reach a door that is locked with obsidian stone. So other vampires can't open it. I take out the key and open it. Inside, Is my secret hobby. Even Aaron doesn't know about it. He knows I have this room, but he doesn't know what is inside.

I paint to create what I can't see for myself. Almost all my paintings are of the sky, or have the sky in it. The walls of the room are swirls of blue, almost like an ocean. I have canvases and paper sprawled out everywhere. Paint brushes and paints. The room is small, and cluttered. But it is my space. Technically everything inside the palace is mine, but this is something no one knows about. And something about having a secret thing no one knows about makes it more mine. We don't have many resources from Above, to get materials such as paint. Thats why not all my paint is paint. I sometimes create it myself, using blue dye. I'm always sure i don't have any paint left on me when I leave. I take out a paper, and start adding splashes of colour. I draw a shadow of a girl, sitting upon a rooftop looking out at the stars.

Year 1915

"Time to go inside, Kalila!" mom smiles at me. I was outside, playing with Aaron and some of his friends. I sigh.

"But mom! Night time is my favourite!" I whine.

"I'm sorry sweetie. But Kris and Rachel need sleep, and we can't be disturbing any of our other neighbours, right?" Kris and Rachel are some of me and Aaron's school friends, they were out playing with us. They are humans. I sigh in frustration.

"Okay... Goodbye! See you at school tomorrow," I smile at them. They smile and wave back at me. I give each of them a hug good bye and go inside. They also leave, making their way to their own houses. I noticed how Rachel had kept trying to mask her yawns as it was getting later. I guess they do need sleep.

I tell  Mom that I am going to my room and run upstairs. Once I am in my room, I open the window and feel the breeze in my face. I squeeze my small 7 year old body through the window and jump onto the roof. Its dark, so no one will see me. I sit at the edge, dangling my feet over the side. When I spot the first star, I whisper,

"Star light, star bright.

First star I see tonight.

I wish I may, I with I might,

have the wish I wish tonight!"

I close my eyes tightly, and make a wish. After a while, I open them again and smile.

I stare at the stars now appearing, and look for the shapes. My dad showed me all kinds of stars, and I always loved coming outside to see them even though mom told me not to. Knowing I shouldn't be out for long, I crawl back inside and lie onto my bed.


I stare at my now finished painting, and crumple it up. Its too close to my past, Ive worked hard to keep these memories away. I put all my paints away. At least i'm calmed down now. Painting always relaxes me. I painted like crazy the first few years we were down here. Then, not as much.

I make sure that there is no extra paint on me before leaving the room.

Once I walk out of my palace, I take a minute to look around. Everyone seems to be walking to a destination or know what they are doing. This is good. In Subterranean, all my vampires have a some freedom. They have choice. I allow them to choose what to wear and who to love. As long as they don't affect me negatively, they can be happy. Happy. Now that is a word thats  never used in the same sentence as me unless there is a big NOT in between. When we had first started building the Subterranean, I hadn't wanted anyone to be happy, because I wanted everyone to feel like I did. But Aaron talked me out of that idea. He said that "Your people will come to respect and love you more if you allow freedom." Which I did not agree with. Do I care if they love me? No. Being feared by everyone is way better, I think. But he did have a point, less people would betray me if a gave them less of a reason to. Yes, I want them to fear me. But if I ended up killing everyone, I wouldn't have anyone left to fear me. Realizing that I started to stand there unladylike, just staring off to space, I blink and continue my way to the lowest floor.

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