Chapter 19- Above

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I blink at the guard in shock, while Aaron snaps out of his trance.

"Well, in that case, we need to go!" I yell. I run with the guard and Aaron short behind. I start barking orders at people nearby.

"Everyone needs to get out of the palace, now. Aaron, ring the bell on my balcony. On your way up to tell as many people as you can. You, make sure the supplies we have aren't forgotten. Get the children gathered up, and everyone in a line by the exit in half an hour."

"-Lilith, we don't have half an hour," The man who told me about the beam interrupts. I think he mentioned his name was mike at some point.

"What?! How much time do we have then??" I hear a loud crack and everyone who is near me gasps. I turn to see one of the beams, with a huge crack in it that looks like its about to collapse.

"Stars above... This is bad." I mutter.

Grayson's P.O.V.

I'm just eating a pear when I hear screaming and panic... Is this like when the flood happened? I run and open the door and look out into the hall. I go down a few corridors to the main hall and there's chaos of vampires speeding everywhere.

"Whats happening??" I yell to the blurs. No one answers. Wow. I try to step out and almost get trampled. I need a new tactic.

"WHO here wants to bring me, an important food supply of the queens, to safety?" A few people stop and look at me. "No one is safe until we reach above!" Someone yells. while most people start running again, one person squeezes through the crowd to reach me.

"Your looking for Lilith I'm guessing? I need to get to her too; fast. Come with me." Its a girl, who looks as panicked as everyone else. I nod and she pulls me, quite painfully, through the crowd and down a flight of stairs that I don't know how I survived without falling. She's mumbling under her breath.

"Why do you need Lilith?" I ask.

"I'm in charge of the kids, and no one is stopping to help out. I can't get them out of here by myself without them getting lost, I need Lilith to help me. I'm Avianna." She says in a rush. I nod and soon we are outside. Avianna has to ask around before she finally finds Lilith. When she spots us, she comes over and relief shows on her face when she sees me.

"Grayson? Are you okay?" She asks. Someone was worried about me.

"Lilith! He's fine. Now I need help. You know my daycare?? All the volunteers with me left with the rush to get out of the palace and the kids are all still in there. I need to get them out!"

"Alright... Here. I'll send group up as soon as I can. People have already started gathering at the exit, We have about fifteen minutes." She tells Aviana.

"Ok." Avianna rushed off again, a lot faster without me holding her back when Lilith turns back to me.

"Grayson, I'm going to give you to someone I trust and you will stand where all those people are going. Got it?" I turn and see everyone thats leaving the building is going in the same direction. She grabs the arm of one of the people. Jareth, Take Grayson and keep him with you. If anything happened to him your dead."

Taken off guard, all Jareth can do is nod and he grabs my arm, bringing me into the crowd of people. we reach a wide tunnel, and stop inside it.

"So, how do we go... uh, Above?" I ask.


"Stairs? Isn't this pretty far underground for stairs?"

"The elevator will take too long with this many people. Its dangerous."

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