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You decide it’s time to run! The witch takes aim and shoots fire from her vengeful hand, setting alight several trees. You move with pace and dodge her attack. She chants and hisses, casting spells of wicked dement. You race across cobbled stones and dart into a cave. You can barely see, holding out your hands as you move deeper and deeper inside. Your only chance is to hide! You feel the cold face of the black rock – then you reach the end. With nowhere to go you wait in silence. You pause. You listen – for every sound and slightest move. You hear nothing. Suddenly the witch appears in a blaze of fire. She laughs in horror as the cave erupts in fire and flame. The heat is torturous but there’s no way out. You’re trapped. You feel your flesh begin to melt as your skin burns in pain. The witch has caught you and turns you to ash! -The End-

Why not try again – see what else the forest holds?

Tell a friend – see if they survive!

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