The First Meet (C1)

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  • Dedicated to Anna Harry (my dearest best friend forever ever)

Anna's P.O.V.

I'm Anastasia Spica,born in New York and last month,I already hit 19 years old.I just moved in to L.A. 2 weeks ago.I'm here to find a better job and I live alone.My life ? I think it's not really good at all like a fairytale story and it's more mysterious than criminal series.Haha,just kidding.Well,in the other way I can say,I HATE MY LIFE but I always do believe,it will change someday and way better like usual.Today it's been a week I'm working as a waitress at the famous cafe here named "D' Paradise"  and yeah,it's sounded so heavenly.

*At the cafe*

I was doing my work real nice like an angel.Took the orders and gave away their meals with the "fake smile".Seriously,I HATE THIS JOB DAMN MUCH. I don't know,this isn't even my dream job in life but the real epic problem is my life just pointless.I don't know what to do,where to go and who I am.Nah,I'm just hoping a guy will lead my life like Prince Charming.Wait,that's a fairytale.

As I continued my work,suddenly,there's a young man walked fast towards me and bumped into me.A cup of coffee on the tray that I holded spilled on my shirt. "What's wrong with you,dude ?" I asked,angrily. "I'm so sorry.I don't saw you.Well,it's your fault too for not giving me a way to walk" the young man replied. "My fault ?! Seriously,I'm working right now so,I'm busy and you can choose a lot of routes !" I said,a little loud. Every people in the cafe looked at us and indeed,our fight created a commotion. "Or maybe you're such a bad waitress ever in this world ?" he said,trying to extend the fight. "Or maybe you can't use your beautiful green eyes to find the way ? So unmatured boy" I mocked. "'m 22 and I'm totally matured,little girl" he replied,a little mad. "I know that 22 is good enough in knowing how to walk and I don't think so you are !" I said,defending myself. We're keep fighting until the manager of the cafe,Mrs. Regina stopped us. "Anna,to my office..NOW !" she commanded"Okay.." I replied,walking towards the office with my head looking down all the way.

*In the office*

"Anna,I'm feel so ashamed on you.You're a new worker here and you just showed me your real self.I did in accepting you to work here.Fighting in front of our customers will make our cafe's repuatation ruined.I'm sorry,you're too young.You're FIRED !" explained Mrs. Regina,a little frustrated. "But,it's not my fault.That dude,it's his fault.I'm innocent" I said,trying to change her decision. "Remember our cafe's principle,'Customers always right no matters who are they and where they came from' So,I don't have any choice and this is definitive" said Mrs. Regina. I take a breath and replied "If it's final,I'm so grateful to work here.Thank you so much for everything,Mrs. Regina" . I'm leaving the cafe with a sad face.If I found that dude again,I'll finish him till my last blood.Wait,I'm not that cruel ?

I walked along the sidewalk then,someone greeted me "Hey Anna !" . "Hey-" I replied happily at first but then,I realized something. Someone know me here ? I'm new,right ? "YOU..again ?! Stay away from me,hater" I replied,full of hate and anger. "I'm here,want to say sorry for what's happening just now.I'm serious" he said,smiling. "What do you want from me ?" I replied,tired on all of this. "I don't want you to hate me and I just wanna be your friend.I'm Kendall" he started. "Look,first..I HATE YOU MORE THAN EVERYTHING.Second,I don't need any friend right now and third,how did you know my name ?!" I ponited out consecutively. "First,why you need to hate me ? I'm a really sweet person in real.Second,yeah you need A LIFE and third,from your name tag and when your boss called you" replied Kendall. "I hate you because you're the reason why I got fired and she's now my 'ex-boss'.Got it ?" explained angrily. I leaved Kendall alone and keep on walking but then,I stopped and heard he said "I know,your life just lifeless and that's why I want to help by being your friend.Hope we can meet again.Bye,Anna" he shouted and walked away.He's really weird,right ? But he got everything right.My life just nothing.

Kendall's P.O.V.

I need to help her no matters what.This is my promise


Edit *Nov 28 2013

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