Awake (C9)

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  • Dedicated to Anna Harry (my dearest best friend forever ever)

Anna's P.O.V.

It's such a boring day.I'm at the hospital,finishing my read of novels while taking care of Kendall.It's the only things I do lately.Last week was Kendall's birthday and I just wished him.I can't do something more than that.It's just nothing and yeah,Kendall's already in coma about one month.I really really really bad hoping he'll wake up soon.I'm just keep hoping and believing that he will.That's what I left to do.

*About 2 months later*

2 days ago,it's already 2014 and today is 1st year of my friendship with Kendall.I can't believe it's been one year since I met Kendall at the cafe.It's such the valuable and memorable moment ever happened in my life.I met someone whom finally understand how bad I'm going through my life and he changed,making it way better than before.

*In Kendall's ward*

I brought Kendall's guitar along because I was going to make a surprise for him.Yeah,I've the keys of Kendall's apartment and I'm the one that managing it while Kendall still in coma. "Good morning,my dear Kendall.You know,'s been a year since our fight at the cafe.Do you still remember it ? Coffee spilled and I'm jobless.It's all something that I'll never forget in my life.Never ever" "Oh yeah,by the,I want to sing a song for you while playing your guitar.Sorry if I'm using it.I already took a lesson from your neighbor,Ines.She's an expert guitarist.Yeah,hope youwill like it"

 I started to sing

"My heart had a bunch of beats,

None of Them seemed to work for me

I can not find the point to sing

When everything Seems to sound so out of key..."

*Keep on going*

"You and me together make a number one record

Boy, you know the only song I wanna do is

Featuring you.

You're free to be the lyrics

It's like I already hear it.

Boy, you know the only song I wanna do is

Featuring you"

After I ended my sing,I got closer to Kendall and took a seat beside him,putting my head on his shoulder.I held his hand tightly."Kendall,it's been a year of our everything.I just want you to wake up and that's all.I really need you back and actually,I've got something to tell you.I already planned to confess it when we should enjoy the ice-cream that I bought but it's not happening at all"

I wanted to tell him the truth even though he isn't wake up.I need to so,I can let it all go.My palms wassweating,my heart beats getting faster.I don't even know what's happening to me.The confession caused all of this maybe. "I..I..I..." Speechless ? Oh my god,I need to take a deep breath.Okay,I can do this.I believe Kendall will hear it.I held Kendall's hand,the fist getting tight. "Actually...I already fell in love with you.I really do.Yes,I know..this feeling is true.I love you so much.You're a guy who changed my life.You did successfully.I used to hate my much but now,I appreciated it because I've the best best friend in my life.It's you.You're just amazing to me.You totally are" I didn't realized my tears falling down my cheek.Yup,describing how special Kendall is in my life.It's beyond everything.I kissed his forehead. "I just want you to..wake up" 

All of sudden,I felt Kendall's fingers moving in my fist. "Kendall ? Are you there ? I'll call the doctor" I said and leaved the ward.

The doctor was doing some inspection over Kendall and I need to wait patiently outside.I prayed the best for Kendall.That's all I should do.

*Few minutes later*

Doctor Regina came out from the ward. "How's Kendall ?" I asked. "He wake up from the coma" she replied,smiling. "Really ? Oh my god,I can't believe it" I said excitedly. "But..." she continued,not a really happy face. "But..but..but..WHAT ?" I replied,shocked and wanting to know more. "I'm so sorry,my dear.Kendall..have....amnesia" she hesitated. "AMNESIA ?! Kendall lost his memory ?" I asked,making sure of it. "Yup,he is" she replied shortly. I'm speechless.I'm not going to face Kendall who doesn't know the real him.I mean,he doesn't remember everything.What should I do ? I'm still new in his life. "Look,Anna..I want you to be strong.No matters what happened,you need to do this.I know you can" she tried to comfort ,giving me another hope.

I'm not ready for all.Like seriously,I'm not expecting this.My dear Kendall lost his memory about his life,he forget about his amazing self.I promise,I'll try my best in recovering his memory,no matters what happened.Kendall is my life,I can't leave him alone.


Edit* Nov 30 2013

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