I Love You (C17) Final~

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  • Dedicated to Anna Harry (my dearest best friend forever ever)

Anna's P.O.V.

Lindsey and I waited outside the ward.Okay,I was really worried about Kendall because I don't even know what just happened.He saved me again but this time,both of us survived and didn't injured at all.Why Kendall fainted ? He's weak or what..ugh,I don't have any idea to conclude the sitiuation.I just want him to be okay and fine.Keep praying,that's all I do.I hope nothing bad happened.

A doctor came out from the ward.Lindsey and I stood up from the seat.Yeah,both of us really worried about Kendall.Well,everyone love him."How's Kendall ?" asked Lindsey. "It's a good news.His memory already recovered.Based on this report from Doctor Regina,Kendall been hitted by car and that was the reason why he's in coma.After he woke up,he had amnesia.Today,he fainted and miracle happened,he's normal back" "Is that true ?"  asked the doctor,making sure the report is right and real. "Yeah,it's true" I nodded. "So..between both of you,who was by Kendall's side when he fainted ? asked the doctor again. "It was me.." I replied shortly. "Tell me more about what happened on the scene ?" pointed out the doctor.

"He..he tried to save me again.A car drove fast towards me.It's totally the same thing happened before he was in coma and lost the memory" I said. "Now,I  got why Kendall fainted" remarked the doctor,smiling. Lindsey and I obviously eager to know more. "The accident resulted Kendall in coma and amnesia and like you said,same thing happened.He saved you and he fainted because he remembered too much at the same time,he ran towards you.That's the conclusion.He already felt really weak after saving you.Faint make the memory recovered rapidly" explained the doctor briefly.

Oh my god,I can't believe this is happening.I had been waited this moment.I blessed for everything. "So,both of you are his family members ?" asked the doctor. "Nope,it's just her,his aunty.I'm only a best friend" I remarked,pointing to Lindsey. "Oh,okay.I see.I thought you're his girlfriend.He sacrified a lot.I bet,Kendall really loves you.He went through everything for you" pointed out the doctor. I just gave an awkward smile.Kendall loves me ...? Okay,as his best friend but maybe not anymore.

"The family members check upon the patient first before anyone else.I'm really sorry,it's the hospital's policy.By the way,I need to go now.Have a good day" said the doctor and walked away. Lindsey entered the ward and I waited for my turn.I hope Kendall still remember me.Who knows he forget everything about the friendship ? Nah,I'm just joking.

Kendall's P.O.V.

I felt a little normal now.It's like you'd been born again.I remember everything and for sure,it's only one person in this world I excited to meet first after this recovery.The door opened and I saw Linds.Oh my god,I miss her so much but actually,she isn't the one whom I'm waiting for.She walked closer to me. "Are you okay,Kendall ?" she asked. "Feel much better than before" I replied,smiling. "That's good for you and I know you're excited to meet her" she pointed out. "Linds,you understand me really well.Yup,I am..really bad" I remarked. "I'll call her and left both of you alone" "Don't do anyhting bad,okay" she goofed. "Pffft- I don't want to" I said,giggling. She kissed y forehead and leaved.

I really miss everything about Anna.I just want to see her.She's part of me.Then,I saw Anna walked in slowly and approached me. "Dear Kendall,you still remember me ?" I asked. "Yup..I do,my cute little shortie Anastasia Spica" I replied,smiling. She hugged me tight.I could feel the love flow in her body.She's really special in my life. "I miss the real you..so bad" she said,crying. I looked into her eyes and wiped the falling tears. "I miss in remembering everything that we went through together" I remarked. "I'm so sorry about the accident,coma,amnesia and almost leaving you.I'm just really really sorry.It's all my fault" she apologized. "Not your fault.Please,never blaming yourself again.It's my fate" I convinced. "I'm glad that you're okay now" she pointed out.

Dear Kendall {A Kendall Schmidt Love Story} #Book1Where stories live. Discover now