My Dream (C13)

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  • Dedicated to Anna Harry (my dearest best friend forever ever)

Kendall's P.O.V.

So,now my daily routine is staying at home while Anna's going to work.I can't go anywhere without her.That's the deal.Even though I'm totally bored in this situation but yeah,I need to remember everyhting about my life.I'm wondering around,cleaning up and looking for something about myself.Sometimes,Ines will hang out with me and we have a long chit chat.Yup,Anna was right.She's truly friendly.

*One day*

Anna just got back from work."KENDAAALLLLL" she yelled,searching for me.I'm in my room,ignoring her and keep strumming my guitar while singing "You and me together,make a number one record,girl you know the only song that I wanna do,is featuring you"

Then,Anna entered my room."How did you know that song and how to play guitar ?" she asked weirdly,looking at me."It's a miracle,I still remember how to play guitar and I just found this file that contain some papers of songs lyrics and the notes of guitar so,I play this song called 'Featuring You'..who's the real singer ?" I pointed out. "That song is yours.You're the one who wrote it for our  friendship" she explained with a big smile. "I did ? Oh my god,this song is perfect.I love it so much.Wow,I'm so talented" I said,a little bit shocked but mostly proud of myself.

"Yup,that's you..Kendall Francis Schmidt" she replied and hugged me. I'm so happy to have the best best friend ever in this world,Anna. I don't know why I really really love friend.Maybe..more.Well,I still can't remember a lot.So,lets put the feelings thing aside.

Anna's P.O.V.

*Next day,Cat Care Center*

"Ugh,too much work.Really damn stress out" I sighed. Then,William a.k.a. my work partner,came into my office. "Tired,huh ?" he asked. "Nope,I'm so relaaxx right now" I mocked. "I found something to cheer you up" he said. "What is it ?" I asked curiously. He lent me a poster.I took it from his hand. "Just read out,it's so special for your boyfriend,Kendall" he pointed out,walking away. "HEY !! He just my best friend,okay" I yelled. "Nah,just admit you're in love with him" he joked. I could hear him from far.Well,he think it's only a joke but for me,it's real.But,not a right timing to think about that.

I look at the poster and read what's written on it. "An audition looking for the members of new boy band.Searching for boys who's in age of 21 till 25 years old.Obviously,must good in singing and playing at least one musical instrument" I read out. This is totally the golden opportunity for Kendall.It's his big dream.I'm so excited to show this.Yay ! Thanks William,I appreciated this really bad.

*Back from work,Kendall's house*

As I entered,I saw Kendall was watching the TV,sitting on the couch.I sat beside him excitedly while held the poster in my hand."What's wrong with you,girl ? Calm down.." he said. "Look what is this" I showed the poster at him eagerly. Kendall's eyes go through over it. "Next week...Boy band audition ! This is great,I want to enter it" he pointed out. "I know you will" I replied shortly. "Will come with me ?" he asked. "It's a boy band audition..ARE YOU NUTS ?!" I remarked,a little bit angry. "I'm so sorry..I don't mean that.Will you accompany me along to this audition ?" he asked,starting it all over again. Okay,that's such an embarrassment. Misunderstanding happened. "Oh,I see..but, know I'm working" I explained. "That's really bad..please take a day off for me,pleaassseeee...." he begged. His green eyes stared at me. I tried to resist it but I failed. "Fine..I will" I said,giving up. "Thank you..thank yoi..thank you" he thanked me,full of excitement. He hugged and kissed me on cheek. Aw,he's really sweet.I think,I might turn into red,blushing.

*The day of audition*

We're rushing to the car.Yeah,of course Kendall will drive and I'm his guide.Feels like the GPS for him.Kendall took along his guitar and I realized,he couldn't stop smiling.The dimples never faded on his face.I know,he's really really excited for this audition.Okay,big day !

Finally,we reached the destination.Yup,Sunset Studio.We're going to the hall.Something like that.Kendall registered and took his number.It's "813". Hoping it's a lucky number. We're waiting for his turn,yup..too many boys.Really,it's totally a big crowd.Oh my god.A boy many members they want ? Just a little,right ? But,I believe in Kendall.He's talented.His voice just really good and could melt my heart.

Everyone in the hall think that I'm Kendall's girlfriend.Hah,do we looks like a perfect match ? Well,I don't know.It's like Beauty and the Beast.Obviously,Kendall is the beauty and I'm the beast.You know,Kendall just really handsome and charming on me.Oh my god,go away this feels.He's ONLY MY BEST FRIEND.I should realized that.He's not going to be mine.

"Kendall,are you okay ? Looks like you're...sweating ?" I asked worriedly. "I just really..really NERVOUS" he confessed. "Listen to me,Kendall...look into my eyes" He did what I said.Our eyes locked. "Try your best.Just take this easy.I know you can do this.Believe in yourself is important.If you're not passed,it's's not the only chance you have in this life.Okay,everyhting happened for reasons" I adviced. Then.I hugged him,calming down.

Few seconds later, "813" shouted a woman. It's Kendall's turn.Finally,it's time. I let go him from the hug. "I'll try my best,Anna.I promise" he said,walking to the audition room with his guitar. I could feel his spirit.Yup,Kendall that I knew is the passionate one.I just want the best for him.


Edit* Nov 30 2013

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