Chapter 5

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Trinity POV

The drive to Nathans house is excruciatingly slow. The cars around zooming back and fourth. The low music playing in the car. And the silence that is made between Nathan and me.

It wasn't awkward, just too quiet for my liking.

I sigh thinking about what happened only minutes ago at Avans' house.

My parents.

I haven't seen them in over a year. It doesn't seem like that long but it's an odd feeling to be with someone, depending on someone for so long, and then all of a sudden it's all gone.

But I'm proud of what I did because if I were still living under their roof, I wouldn't be who I am right at this moment. I most probably would have had life handed to me on a silver plate, but whats life without challenges?

"Were here," Nathan says so softly, almost a whisper.

I look back at him and give him a smile and step out.

I let him lead the way, but just before he could unlock the door, I stop him.

"Wait? What about Allison? Won't this look really bad?"

He gives me a sad smile and shakes his head. "Allison and I aren't really together anymore. She decided to spend time with her parents so the house is all to myself."

With that, he unlocks the door stepping in with me trailing behind him.

He walks towards the kitchen while I'm taking off my shoes and placing my bag beside it. As I finish, I walk towards the direction he was walking in and see that he's preparing two glasses of wine.

He gives me a smile. "Something to keeps us warm while we talk shit out."

I groan. "I hate feelings. Why do we have them?"

"Trust me if there was a way I could get rid of them trust me ill be first in line."

He picks up both glasses and says, "To the living room we shall go."

We walk towards it and sit on the plush couches in the center of the room. I look around admiring the way it was styled. Minimalistic yet unique.

"Allison designed it. She was always a fan of architecture and interior design but her father never let her go long with it in college. Instead, she had to endure the pain of business and marketing, the only reason she hated it so much was because of the math that was required, she always sucked at that."

He smiles at the memory.

"You talk about her with so much admiration, yet your relationship seemed tense. But I'm not here to judge, I've only seen you guys conversing once or twice, so I cant really make an assumption based on a few encounters."

"You know, you confuse me."

I raise my eyebrows, "How so?"

He fully turns to me looking so interested in the conversation.

"One minute you're telling me to fuck off, the next your talking to me like a best friend."

"Well, first off I was bitching to get you to understand what you've been doing not just to me but to women who will be spending the rest of her life with you. And secondly, I thought the conversation through and think we just put that aside and just be friends. And friends fight, right?"

He chugs down the remains of his wine, slamming the glass on the living room table.

"Well then, friend? What do we do about the time we slept together?"

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