Chapter 25

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Trinity POV


We almost kissed.

And if it did actually happen, I wouldn't have regretted it.

Sadilyn's high pitched cry made us pull away, which only made the situation more awkward.

Just a second ago I was a sobbing mess, then suddenly I'm about to kiss my ex. (that rhymed)

A person I still had deep feelings for.

I only realized after so many months that Liam can't replace Nathan. And, now that I finally am able to put my mind to rest about who tried to put not only me but also my children to danger made me feel so much better.

At the same time, it also devastated me. How I trusted such person, how I was so close to getting married and kept giving him chances that I knew at the end he was going to break.

My only wish is that the plan my father and Nathan come up with goes well because I want to feel safe again.

I want to wake up in the morning and not think about what bad could happen today.

I want to feel how I was when with Nathan.


I quickly make my way up the flight of stairs and enter Sadie's room.

Picking her up, I place her on my chest and rock back and forth.

She keeps fidgeting in my arms and is sucking on her thumb, which could only mean she's hungry and is in need of a diaper change.

I turn back to look at Nathan, "Could you give me a few minutes, I've gotta feed her."

He nods, "Alright, I'll just check up on Asher. Which room?"

"Next room to the right, thought Id keep their rooms side by side."

He steps out of the room, closing the door behind him.

I look down at my girl, sucking on her whole fist.

I chuckle, "Calm down, foods coming."

Nathan POV

I step into the well-decoratedated room, a cream color covered the walls, dark wood furnished the place, and blue colored bed sheets were in the crib.

I can see Asher right in the center of the crib, that might I add;  was way too huge for him.

I make my way towards him, and stood just in front of the crib.

I hadn't had too much time to spend with the kids; due to the fact that we were days away from the plan we were doing to finally expose Liam.

It was hard to tell who's hair color Asher had inherited, because both Trinity and I have brown hair but with a slight different tone.

He's hair was so dark it almost seemed back.

Overall I feel like Asher had gotten all of Trinity's features, while Sadilyn got all of mine. But, we wont be able to confirm until their eyes set onto a certain color.

The moral of the story is, we made some good looking babies.

Asher suddenly begins moving around, and he's eyes open up.

I guess I was wrong he hadn't gotten everything from Trinity.

His eyes were just like mine.

I slowly begin to pick him up, and placed him comfortably in my arms.

"Your so much quieter than your sister."

He only blankly stares at me, and I chuckle.

"Wait until you understand what I'm saying, you'll totally agree with me. Now, lets change up that stinky diaper of yours."

I place him onto the changing table and begin changing him.

This is the first time Ive seen him open up his eyes, and his only a week old.

All he does is stare blankly at me throughout changing him.

After closing up his jumpsuit, I slowly pick him up in an upright position.

"Lets go check up on mommy and your sis-"

I stopped mid way and saw Trinity standing at the door with Sadie in her arms, and a smile on her face.

"Look at you two having a little bonding time."

I look down at Asher to see he had fallen back asleep, looking back up I say, "Well its been a while since ive seen him, but now that the job is done I have all the time in the world.

"About that though, I think you should stay somewhere safer at least until everything goes down."

She only shakes her head. "Nathan, you dont know what he's capable of. He is going to find me and it isnt going to end well."

"Trinity, your not safe here. I dont want to wake up every morning worrying that something happened to any of you."

"Nathan.. you know its not easy. Especially with Liam's condition." She says quietly.

"Please Trinity , not for me but for the kids, at least lets try to put them somewhere safer. Somewhere you know nothing could ever happen to them."

She takes a minute, and just stares at the wall behind me, she lets out a sigh and says, "But not tonight, he said he'll be home for dinner and thats only a few hours away. So tomorrow we will do it, ill say my parents invited me to the cabin to stay for the weekend. He hasnt had the chance to go up there, so hopefully there is no chance he'd ever look for the cabin."

"What about your parents?"

"They had flown out for their wedding anniversary, said theyll be back next weekend."

I stay silent for a while, an idea making its way into my head. "That cabin, does anyone use it?"

She only shakes her head. "Not that I know off, last I knew that cabin was locked up last year. Why?"

"This may sound crazy, but in a, way we need Liam to find this cabin because that could make our plan 10x easier is. Im pretty sure he'll call your parents to double check, so Ill call them up on my way out. Liam will also search it up most probably to see if what you had told him was legitimate."

She nods, releasing a shaky breath. "But, promise me one thing.. Promise me that throughout all thats about to happen, you'll stay safe and come back to us."

without hesita,tion I say, "I promise."

Then I hug her.

Yes, its an awkward hug due to having two babies in between us, but it kind of gave me reassurance that were together safe and sound.

I just hope it stays that way.


Welcome to another chapter!

I know this time my update was almost 2 MONTHS late!

And thats crazy, and im sorry but honestly ive been suffering from really bad writers block.

Every time id sit to type, my mind would become blank.

Today i managed to complete it with minimal bumps along the road.

Were also almost at 130K, ahhhhh, cant believe this is actually happening, soon enough ill be at 150K, which is insane.

Thank you for taking the time to read the book really appreciate it!!!

**Sorry for any grammar mistakes.**

Mr. CEO gets what he wantsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon