Chapter 7

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Trinity's outfit ^


Trinity POV

Nathan told me 3 things before I left the car. Wear something comfortable, I will be impressed by the end of the night, and to not exceed the 3 hours he provided me with.

He had dropped me off an hour and a half ago and in that time I managed to shower, shave, do my hair, and decide what to wear. Which I am quite proud of.

The last thing I needed to do is makeup. I kind of had an idea as to what to go for only because he told me to wear something comfortable. That means we aren't dining at an expensive restaurant, instead maybe a local cafe or even a diner.

I decide to go really light. I throw on concealer, mascara, brushed through my brows, and some chapstick. Simple, yet presentable.

I look to see that I still have a whole to spare. I throw on my outfit and walk out of the room and see Tina on the phone with a large smile on her face.

"I understand. So, by Friday you want the final answer? Brilliant! Alright, thank you." She then hangs up and screeches.

"Trinity guess what?"

I shrug.

"Last week I met with a real estate agent and he showed me this beautiful apartment over at 7th avenue. Its price was quite good and in a perfect location. I started looking into it and decided it would be just right for what we were looking for. So, I got a job that pays quite well and you just started working at mister mchotties office and combining these two, we will be able to afford the down payment in no time. I thought id speak to you before we can give a final answer on Friday."

I stand there wide-eyed and disoriented.

I was just complaining 3 nights ago how sucky our life has been. But now that I think of it, she's right. With my job wage and her working as well, I'm sure we could just not pay rent this month on this shit and move to this amazing apartment Tina's been talking about.

"Show me how it looks." My voice filled with genuine curiosity.

She quickly pulls out the papers and turns in towards me.

She quickly pulls out the papers and turns in towards me

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"It's a one-bedroom." She points at the top, "but there is so much space at the top that we can just put 2 beds and get a wall in the middle if we want to. I'm telling you, Trinity, if you see it with your own eyes you'll fall involve instantly, I sure did."

"Wow." I sigh out, "this is actually really pretty. How did you even find this place?"

"I have my ways." She wiggles her eyebrows.

I laugh, "I'm sure you do. So, how much is it?"

She points to the documents on the papers and my eyes go wide.

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