Chapter 18

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Trinity POV


"Shut up Anna!" I huffed. Anna had been singing Christmas songs all morning, she had come over yesterday claiming she had 'missed me'. So she and her kids had a sleepover at my house. Since Liam was on another business trip; no surprise there.

"Someones grouchy on Christmas Eve."

"Well, if you had to wake up to someone who sounds like something been shoved up their ass repeatedly then you'd understand my distress."

"Shut it would you, my kids are in this house. Also a pair inside your own body." I still can't believe that I'm going to be delivering in a few weeks its cash

I rolled my eyes at her and spoke in a boring tone," The kids are upstairs, so no need to wo-."

My sentence was cut short when hearing mini-steps running down the stairs.

Instantly Anna turned around and saw both her kids; Amelia and Jayden, running towards her. She crouched down to their height and said, "What's wrong, are you okay, hurt?"

They both shook their head in unison, Amelia began speaking "No, but Jayden's not giving me my doll back."

Jayden argues by saying, "Well if you hadn't kicked me this wouldn't have started."

Anna breathed out, probably relieved that nothing had happened to any of her children.

"Both of you are in trouble," She looks at Amelia. ", apologies to your brother." Then she looks at Jayden. "And you give your sister her doll back."

They both do as told and mumble a sorry to their mother.

I decide to speak up, "Well good evening to you two. Anyways, why don't one of you help me make some dinner and the other helps mommy finish up decorating the tree. How does that sound?"

They both node enthusiastically and run up and hug me. In unison, they say, "Thanks aunt Tri."

I kiss both their head. "No problem, now Amelia why don't you help me in the kitchen."

She quickly gets up and runs towards the kitchen, I laugh at how impatient she can be. I slowly get up and make my way towards where my niece was.

Amelia was very smart for a 5 year old, little annoying which isn't new, but smart. She could pick up any skill after learning it once. On the other hand, Jayden is very mature, at the age of 7 he already knew how to play 4 instruments, speaking 3 different languages, and is one of the smartest kids in his grade.

Anna had had Jayden 3 years into her marriage to her husband 'John Loft', he is one of the sweetest people I have ever known. Anna and John had gotten married at the age of 20, and at 23, Jayden was born. 2 years later Amelia was as well-born.

Even though I was never around home much I still was very close to Anna, and very protective over Lana, not so much with Derek (brother) because he had studied abroad, and we've never really gotten in contact until recent. Apparently, he has gotten himself a Spanish girlfriend, I never knew he liked them feisty.

And then my mind drifts off to Nathan

We hadn't spoken much since the encounter at the hospital. He called saying he had loads of business to finish up and lost track of time to come to visit, although he did send me a bouquet of roses with an apology card stuck to it; which Liam wasn't fond of. I still missed him.

My accident still hasn't been solved, as to the issue of who had caused it. My dad said he's working on finding out who did it, but still no trace. I guess everything happens for a reason, even if I had almost died.

"Aunt Trinity, do you think we can make some pasta."

I chuckled, nodding my head at Amelia, "Sure let's get the ingredients out."

---30 minutes later---

"Guys dinner is ready," I called out to Anna and Jayden.

We all sat at the breakfast bar eating in comfortable silence until Anna started up a conversation. "So Tri any news on when your due date is?"

"Apparently I could be giving birth at any second now, but if I last the whole 9 months it should be around the beginning of January."

Both kids started squealing in excitement.

"Trinity why don't you invite everyone for dinner tomorrow, you know since it's Christmas. I would do it but my house is slightly small." Anna says.

"I was actually considering the idea, but since you've mentioned it I'll go ahead with it."

We finally finish up at dinner and I put all the plates in the dishwasher and call everyone telling them about tomorrow's plan. We all pack up to the living room and put on a classic Christmas movie 'Elf'.

While the kids were engrossed with a bowl of popcorn and the movie, Anna and I decide to chat.

She asks, "So how are you and Liam?"

"Nothing much, he's been taking his pills daily, at least while I'm around, but other than that he's been great. Very caring.

She nods, but still looking unconvinced at what I had just said. "That's good. But are you sure you guys are alright."

I huff, " Your starting to sound just like mom, why can't you guys just accept me being happy?"

"Trinity, we want you to always be happy. But just stop for a second and think about Liam, not as his fiancé, as an acquaintance. Don't you think he's been acting a little more out of, I don't know, order. Always out, never home, do you really think he's on a business trip?"

I just sit quietly and think about Anna's words, maybe she is right. But Liam wouldn't do such thing to me.

I look up at her with tear brimmed eyes, "Why do I have to be such a hormonal baby, your not wrong but it's just I've been thinking about and all, but I'm just in denial." I wipe away a lone tear the slipped down my cheek.

I continue, "I'm just worried about the babies, what if he hurts them?"

Anna shakes her head and elopes me into a hud. "Don't think that way, he wouldn't take it to the extent. These children are innocent."

I pull back. "They maybe, but they aren't his."

She just looks at me and then looks at her kids and sighs. I look the same way as her and see they have passed out cuddled up to each other. She mumbled a 'my babies' and gets up covering them with the blankets kissing both their heads.

She looks back at me and says, "So I guess we're sleeping in the living room tonight."

I giggle and nod, "I guess so, I don't mean to sound rude, but where is your husband."

"Went to see his family, tomorrow he'll be coming back so we can all spend Christmas day together."

"What did you get him?"

She smirked. "Something."

I scrunch my nose up in disgust, "Eww, keep such information to your self."

"In my defense, you asked."

"Anyhow, goodnight."

"Don't let the bed bugs bite."

We laugh at our stupidity and slowly fall into a deep slumber. All I could think of is, I love my family.


**First of all, I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY for the late update.
I actually traveled for spring break and been stressed out these past few weeks.
A filler chapter to what's to come. Now I'm considering trying to update tomorrow, because it's Christmas and I'm pretty sure some of you want to know what's going to go on in the family dinner.
Just Incase I don't write by tomorrow, which might be midnight, I hope you enjoy your Christmas; if you celebrate. And also have a great new year.
I'm thankful for having such a blessed life as well as a book that's growing into something bigger each day, and especially thankful for you guys on making this dream come true.


*Sorry for any grammar mistakes."

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