Chapter 24 (Part 2)

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As promised, an early update.

Also, the song starts at 0:32.



Nathan POV

I've been there on multiples occasions. Yet, I still can't remember the damn address.

"Trinity's house."

I call out to the Bluetooth GPS thats in the car.

Its been a few days since I've seen both Trinity and the kids, the reason being Robert (Trinity's dad) and I finally might have figured out who almost killed her a few weeks back.

It was either that business guy that dad became partners with or Liam.

Now, we only figured out it was either because of the phone call I overheard of  Mr. Kadvick (the business guy in chapters 22-23) had with Liam.

We had found the 'missing' footage of that night and saw that Liam was talking with Sasha (the bitch that Trinity thought Nathan was cheating on with), and quite frankly this women is bad news. After they finished chatting up, Liam had brought the drink to Trinity and then it all went down.

Now, driving my way towards Trinity's to tell her about our final decision and how to catch him. Although; I'm pretty sure she'll probably deny the fact her fiancé is guilty, it's worth a shot.

"You have reached your destination." The GPS says loud enough to snap me out of my thoughts, and also make me jump a little.

I park the car in between both Trinity and her neighbor's house just because there wasn't any space in front of her house.

I turn off the car, stepping out and walk my way towards the door.

Just ask I'm about to ring the bell, I hear the voice of someone shouting.

"What about you explain to me why the fuck you did what you did?" Trinity says in a really aggravated tone.

Maybe I should leave, but I'm not. I need to hear what's up.

"Well sorry for being an asshole, if that dick hadn't talked back to me I wouldn't have done what I had done."

"What are we in? Middle school? Him talking back. Please, you were so immature, you should've just walked away and not cause a scene."

There was a moment of silence, and then a loud smack was heard.

I saw red.

That sonofabitch hit her.

He should never hit a woman, ever. Even if they got on your last nerve, its a never.

I wanted to yank this door open and give him what he deserved, but right now I shouldn't even be here.

I slowly calm my breathing and listed to the end of the conversation.

"I said, understood?" He says loudly

I cant hear her reply, but I'm assuming he repeated this question more than once.

"I'll be home at 9, I want dinner ready by then."

I hear his quick steps walking towards the door, so I quickly jump into the bushes and hope I'm hidden enough.

Liam walks quickly out the door and towards his car.

Within a few seconds, he's gone.

I get out of the bushes, brushing off any leaves that managed to get on me, and finally make my way to the door.

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