Chapter 9

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-2 months later-

Trinity POV

"Congratulations! You're having twins!" My doctor says as she is watching the ultrasound right before her.

My eyes widen in surprise and Liam grips my hand tighter.

"That's an amazing babe." He pecks my cheek as he says that. I only nod, unable to produce a full sentence in reply.

"Would you like to know the sexes?"

I nod instantly. I've been so anxious to know from the moment I felt movement, Tina, and Liam as well.

Both Tina and Liam have been great supports in the last 2 months, I even received a call from my older sister, which was ironic because after what happened with Liam, I really wanted to get back in contact with my immediate family.No one could beat the love I feel towards Tina, but I wanted support from someone who's gone through a pregnancy in the family.

Anna; my sister, and I's relationship grew through these months. Not just with her but with my other siblings. My parents, on the other hand, weren't that thrilled that I made my way back. I always did tell Anna to say hi for me but I knew they-my parents- couldn't give 2 shits.

"Alright, so right now I'm seeing that you will be expecting identical twin girls!"

My already wide eyes bulge out even more, almost feels like their about to leave my face.

Wow, two girls? Now I have to deal with temper tantrums from 2 girls, how lovely.

"Do you by any chance know the due date?" I finally speak out.

"It should be around January time, but you could possibly deliver a few weeks prior or after so don't be too worried about that. As long as you stick to a healthy diet, take your vitamins, exercise, and don't overstress, this pregnancy should continue on smoothly. Let me just get these pictures printed and you off to go until next months appointment."

I smile at the Dr. and thank her.

I turn to Liam with a large smile.

"I can't believe I'm having girls. It's so weird to think at twenty I'm already a mother."

He kisses the top of my head. "You'll make an amazing one too."


Oh, Liam.

He made such a surprises entry into my life shortly after my break up with Nathan. It was a week after to be exact and the wound was still fresh but the moment I accidentally, literally ran into him at the grocery store, the heartache simply vanished. I don't know if its the fact that he was an extremely attractive guy or if my pregnancy hormones were just getting to me.

Ever since then we've hit it off. I don't know how I managed to bounce back after Nathan, because Nathan was someone dearly special to me, I almost thought I was in love every time I rethink of the moments we spent together happily. It does sadden me that he didn't even call to ask about his own children, maybe even a simple text asking if they were alright. I guess not, though...

"Alright so here are the pictures," She hands them to me in an envelope, "and I rescheduled for the 4 of October at 10 am."

"Thank you, Dr. Roven, we'll see you then."

"Alright dear take care."

After that, Liam and I leave the room and go towards the exit. The moment we step out, we are swarmed by multiple paparazzi snapping pictures of us.

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